View Full Version : heart worries. ugh.

28-10-11, 20:11

not having good day, so preoccupied with heart! anyone the same :(??

28-10-11, 20:54
What are your specific worries?

28-10-11, 23:02
pulse, etc nothing specific

28-10-11, 23:04
Your pulse will change all the time depending on what you are doing.

What worries you about it?

29-10-11, 00:07
I've been really bad the last 2 weeks as my blood pressure went really high, had tests and all was good and dr did blood pressure several times and it came down to normal but i'm so worried, im constantly checking my pulse which is the worse thing to do as i really feel like its going way too slow, so then those thoughts creep in and before we know it we end up in a viscious circle. Anxiety is very tough at times. We just have to try and think rationally :-)

29-10-11, 00:23
Do you exercise at all to keep fit?

30-10-11, 20:56
i do exercise i walk alot, and try to go for an hr and a half night time walk after college which is nice, but lately im become preoccupied with it again (eptopics, and fluttering), im feeling better today :),

---------- Post added at 21:56 ---------- Previous post was at 21:54 ----------

ye completely agree with u clare! had a few ECGS, even asked the doctor for a referral to get one! looking back i probably shouldnt have gone, there was no need really! just caused more stress! and then the "o did they miss something" stress!!, it really is awful

30-10-11, 21:08
I had ectopics, flutters, palpitations for years. First noticed them at 18 now 40. Was always a bit of a worrier so family and doctor put it down to anxiety (duuuhhh).
Anyway, one stressful day inmy 20s my heart thumped heavily then went crazy, a weird dropping, writhing, hollow weak and chaotic pulse that is so hard to explain (the closest thing I've experienced is the old stardust popping candy on your tongue).
So dashed down to hospital thinking the heart attack was on. Long story short I was diagnosed with lone paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Thing is, it was actually a relief of sorts to finally nail what was going on. Trouble is years of this thing firing off has went a long way to making me the bag of nerves I am.
The AF is actually very well controlled but I've developed a cardiac neurosis over the whole thing.
So, my advice... get it seen to before it becomes a difficult monkey to get offyour back.

30-10-11, 21:18
Pablo I am the same. I have some phases of it that are worse than others. Recently it was so bad that I couldn't even work for fear of having a serious heart complaint and was off for 4 months but I am overcoming now a bit I think. Having said that I have had "an anxiety day" today as I woke up with a pain in my chest and straight away started worrying about heart - so I know how you feel!

30-10-11, 23:19
hey ehaj, ive already discussed AF with doctor aswell as a prolapse, he stressed that it would have appeared on a test. dont think ive had that, although i did find my whole chest vibrating one day, but put it down to muscle tension as i was really,really anxious that day/ night.

its the eptopics which frighten me, but ive been assured its nothing, seems my HA skips from cancer, to heart problems, HIV etc.

kinny girl i know exactly how u feel, my anxiety was debilitating, i became depressed + lost interest in everything, almost dropped out of college, thankfully the bad days seem to be behind me.. only get a few "hiccups" now and again. still can get quite upset though, and some days worse then other. dont really get panic attacks anymore, but often get chest tightness, and breatheless, even if im just sitting on the bus. so annoying