View Full Version : My home doesn't feel like home anymore

28-10-11, 20:46
I started uni about 6 weeks ago, and I've come back home this weekend. I thought it would be fun but now I'm here I feel really down and upset and it just doesn't feel like home anymore. My room is empty because all my stuff is at uni and there's a depressing atmosphere. I do love my home a lot, and I want to enjoy my time here, but it's hard when I just keep thinking about the past and about when I used to live here properly. It's really upsetting me and I'm worried that I'll feel like this every time I come home. I feel like I don't belong anywhere anymore. Please could you offer me advice? I could really do with some. :weep:

lucy devine
28-10-11, 23:05
i felt the exact same when I went home from university last week for the first time in a month.
We have adapted to our new surroundings and so going home is a major change and it is very strange at first which itself alone is enough to trigger anxiety.
I also found that when I did live at home, this was when I was most anxious and so it's almost as if I had conditioned myself to believe being at home meant being anxious...this is just natural classical conditioning and is most likely why you felt anxious/down when you visited home, providing you used to experience a lot of anxiety at home.
I hope this helps a little bit, and shows you that there is others out there experiencing the exact same thing.
I hope you are enjoying university also :)
lots of love and lucy hugs

29-10-11, 00:27
Hi there, I didn't feel like that so much in my first year, but starting my second year a few weeks ago, i felt the same as you. I've quit Uni now, its not for me. I was only away a max of 4 nights, but even after the first few nights i went home, and instantly i felt like i didn't belong there. I didn't feel like i belonged at Uni, so i felt almost 'Homeless' so to say. Even now im all moved in at home, i still dont feel like i belong here.

I know how you feel and you aren't alone. I hope Uni goes well for you.

29-10-11, 18:48
I know how you feel. How do you feel about uni? It can end up being a positive thing to not feel at home anymore, it means you're moving on. It can be scary especially if you don't feel at home anywhere else but it's only been six weeks. The first town I lived in after leaving home felt like my new home after a while and it felt much more mine because I picked it instead of just being born there.

evil monkey
29-10-11, 19:54
I had a same kind of thing when i finished uni, at the end of it I came back home and was sitting in the bedroom i hadn't lived in for 4 years. Was surreal. I was in the same place, but the rest of the world had changed. at the mo things are just changing for you, you'll get thro it xxx

29-10-11, 22:55
Thanks. Uni is going great and I've settled in well and have some great housemates. I'm feeling a lot better today. Thank you for the advice. :)