View Full Version : Panic that goes nowhere!

24-05-06, 22:52
Today has been rather bizarre really.

I had a massive panic this morning before my exam- it had to be rearranged- was pretty horrid. I did well in the end though- managed to explain to someone and still do the exam- which is good.

The problem is the last few days I've had these feelings of panic that just won't go away! My chest feels tight and I feel sick, and think I can't breathe, and then nothing happens. I know that's good because panic attacks are horrible, but it's making me feel unwell.

I feel like I am constantly waiting for a panic, but it doesn't happen- and whilst I could make myself panic, I am not convinced that will actually make me feel better. As soon as I start trying to relax, I feel more panicky!

I do have a lot of things going on at the moment, and a lot of changes to deal with, but I am feeling very positive about them, really- there are (as ever) some issues that need to be ironed out, but nothing really major.

Does anyone have any advice for making this go away? I am at a bit of a loss, and my relaxtion CD isn't helping, and neither are breathing exercises- maybe because I am not actually panicking?

Thanks for taking the time to read this,

Hannah xx

"I just wanna live my life sedated, cos I love driving myself away"

25-05-06, 07:37
HI there
I do understand what you mean. it seems the more you try and focus on the breathing and relax with a cd the more aware you become and then you feel panicky especially when you are relaxed coz it doesnt feel right. I have tried cd relaxation techniques and try to drop my shoulders ,shut my eyes and breathe from my stomach (even tho its fat!!!) and calmly reassure myself I am absolutely fine - nothing can hurt me - its just my body trying to look out for me. Sounds daft I know - and even tho I am trying to ride through my Panic attacks - I still have days I cant ride the escalator upstairs in B and Q or M and S - I just try to flop - hang on in there and believe in yourself. you CAN do it I promise. Love wenjoy

26-05-06, 21:55
hey hun, i know how you feel!!! and even though these feelings of constant panic are horrible, your panic attacks are probably worse. before this started, between panic attacks were you anxious at all? because it sounds like anticipitary (dunno if i spelled that right!) anxiety, like you're feeling this way ebcause you're dreading having another attack.

hope you feel better. you can do it hun, dont give up!

katie xxx

"If I can wipe from any human cheek, a tear,
Convince one man that hope and heaven are near,
Create more joy, more hope, less pain,
And though not one shall know my name nor drop a flower on my grave,
I shall not have lived in vain while here."