View Full Version : Rough patch on the inside of my cheek? Cancer?

Anxiety Jim
29-10-11, 10:01

For the past week I've had a patch on the inside of my left cheek that's very rough, I assumed i had bitten my cheek and thought nothing of it, but as it's been there for a week I'm a bit worried, and every day it seems to be getting bigger (much bigger than what could be expected due to biting it.)

Any ideas what it could be, the only thing google seems to think is mouth cancer, or HIV, and as I've only ever had (unprotected) oral sex I don't think it's HIV, which only leaves the cancer part :unsure:


29-10-11, 15:54
Which side of your face do you usually lie on in bed? You may be grinding your teeth in your sleep and catching the cheek between them.

As it's warm and wet in your mouth, it's an ideal place for infections to develop. You might like to take a look at this site and talk to your doctor, just to be on the safe side. http://www.smartersex.org/abstinence/oral_sex.asp

Please try not to google. There's always information, or someone who will help, on here. Googling usually leaves you convinced your head is about to drop off :)

29-10-11, 16:48
Im a dental professional. Hard to say without looking but you can feel skin cells that have hardenend (Keratosis) this can be caused by cheek biting or nibbling, trauma or if its white- smoking ( smokers keratosis ) If it doesnt go might be best to get a Dentist to check it for you ( doctors dont usually specialise in this field ! ) Oral cancer has definative symptoms which you dont seem to have-but as I said I cant see your mouth-it doesnt sound to me like its anything other that cheek trauma X

30-10-11, 11:55
Im a dental professional. Hard to say without looking but you can feel skin cells that have hardenend (Keratosis) this can be caused by cheek biting or nibbling, trauma or if its white- smoking ( smokers keratosis ) If it doesnt go might be best to get a Dentist to check it for you ( doctors dont usually specialise in this field ! ) Oral cancer has definative symptoms which you dont seem to have-but as I said I cant see your mouth-it doesnt sound to me like its anything other that cheek trauma X

I've had a similar thing for the past 3 weeks so I'm going to the dentist to get it checked. It started like a painless ulcer with a yellow like colour and it's circular in shape with raised border. It seemed to heal but it's left a red circular rough area but the borders have gone now.

Strangely enough when I eat some foods like spicy pizza it seems to get a bit swollen/rubbery before dying down again. Any idea what it could be?

30-10-11, 12:57
Was it on the inside of the cheek or on your tongue ? Its good your going to get it checked out. The fact that you say its going is good and it sounds as though spicy foods are causing irritation to this area-but hard to say without seeing it ! Let me know what your dentist thinks x

30-10-11, 13:04
Virtually every bodily symptom could be related to a cancer in some way, considering there are over 200 types of cancer in all parts of the body.
STOP searching on Google, it will always give the worst. If you had cancer you'd most probably have other symptoms. Get it checked out ASAP so your anxiety doesn't affect you for too long.

30-10-11, 13:56
Was it on the inside of the cheek or on your tongue ? Its good your going to get it checked out. The fact that you say its going is good and it sounds as though spicy foods are causing irritation to this area-but hard to say without seeing it ! Let me know what your dentist thinks x

It's on the inside of my cheek. I'll let you know what the dentist says, I'm trying to stay calm but as I'm on a health anxiety forum you can guess I'm convinced it's cancer already. Strange thing is I've not seen one picture on the internet that looks anything like it! Certainly doesn't look like any of the cancer pictures, which is reassuring.

I suppose that a lot of the time a dentist won't know quite what the irritation is, but can rule of something nasty.