View Full Version : Worried about Stomach/Back Problems

29-10-11, 10:02
I am a newbie and i will introduce myself shortly and go over a few things but in the meantime i am worried, Today I am having a Tonsillectomy.

However, This week I have been getting worsening pains in my lower abdomen, sides and back and feel quite constipated.

When you are constipated is it usual to get pain in your sides, lower abdomen and back and pain at the top of the legs when trying to do a bowel movement?

I saw a doctor last night who examined my stomach and back plus done a urine sample which was clear so no infection in my urine or kidneys or other problems, I'm worried it could be something serious and I am also worried as If I tell the hospital when i am having this operation today they might end up not doing the operation.

Thanks for reading.

29-10-11, 15:42
Sorry I didn't read this earlier. I hope by now you are in the hospital, tonsils out and on the road to recovery. :hugs:

Constipation can cause all the symptoms above, so when you are home try to watch your diet so you don't become constipated.

29-10-11, 21:27
Thanks a lot for the reply Chem, Unfortunately not, I travelled to Bristol Hospital and spoke to the Consultant and he wasnt happy to proceed, He said that maybe i had a Kidney or Bowel problem and that i needed to get it sorted before he would operate, He is going to reschedule it for 3-4 weeks time.

When i got back to my town I went to A&E and they examined me, I have been getting pain in the stomach, lower abdomen, groin, lower back and testicles aswell they did a urine test which was ok, I have also been very constipated and feeling very cold at times and shivering, But just now i woke up from a short nap and my heart was racing and now i am very hot like i am burning and i am worried thay something is very wrong, Thinking i might have a serious stomach or testicle problem or some kind of bowel problem or maybe blood poisioning or cancer somewhere down there?