View Full Version : awww its coming back please answer!!!

29-10-11, 11:34
well things was looking up i was so so so so so happy and still am but can see me slipping.... well i felt good better then ever and went to see the doc about coming of miritzapine as i kept geting intense one sided head pain same spot as always never had it before only since taking the drug so i was on it for 7months and doc agreed it could be causing it or im suffering from what she calls ligtening headaces short and sharp, so we agreed to stop but 2 weeks still im getting the same sensation in the same spot on my head its niggley if im busy i forget about it but when im relaxed its there and i keep thinking its a brain tumer hence i feel it in that spot please help im worrying cancer is chewing at my thoughts and dont want to relapse i wont be beaten but head pain in one spot worries me:emot-fail:,

29-10-11, 11:54
I'm in exactly the same position (any funnily enough take MIrtazipine too!). Since Monday I've had a continuous headache that is mostly in one spot (top of head on the left hand side) and also severe dizzy spells. The headache moved to my eyes yesterday and I was getting stabbing pains in my eyes which worried me.
I've put off going to the docs as I've done really well in getting out of the habit of running to the docs every 5 mins but I have an appt about something else on Weds and will defo mention it if it's still the same then. It was my birthday yesterday and I spent the whole day in pain - bad times :0(

Not sure this will help you in any way but at least you know you are not alone xxxx

29-10-11, 12:01
thanks for getting back to me, its awful isnt it! mine is rightside to and on top, its not fair its like a a nerve pain thats how it feels grrrrrrrr! ive done well with not going to the doc every sympton! i was bad before looking back they must of thought crikey not again, thing is i do wanna see doc but i know what excuse she will say your still coming down from meds but thing is i had them before coming off meds in the same spot! ricious cycle hey, hope you get relief to any ideas of reliving it let me know, but i hate that tumor thought and its really bothering my thougts