View Full Version : blood spots in urine

29-10-11, 15:37
Hi for the last 8 months or so on a few occasions ive noticed spots of blood on tissue from my urethra after a wee well after loads of test includind camera in my bladder everything came back normal and no one knows a reason for it i got a bit of blood again yesterday i havent had any for a couple of months so its upset me to see it again ive only just finished all the tests for the problem and everything was normal should i be worried my gp thinks it could be a very low grade infection that keep flaring but it never shows on dipstick x

29-10-11, 19:41
I know we have talked alot as I too have had blood in urine for at least 30 years.

Whatever is causing this is not harmful and thats what you have got to remember - they have totally ruled out the harmful things so its either leaky kidneys like me, have you been drinking less recently??? or low grade infection like your Dr says.

Pm me if you need to talk.

30-10-11, 00:11
thankyou debbie im so fed up of worrying x

30-10-11, 09:54
Is it painful when you wee?
When you need to go do you feel like its quite sore and painful that you just simply need to go and empty your bladder to get rid of the discomfort?

I have been suffering bladder problems for the past 6 months and Ive noticed something like a redy brown floating bits in my wee. I didnt panic too much because the first time I noticed it I was giving a wee sample at my gp clinic so I thought well they will call me and sort it out from there. But they hadnt called me so I assumed everything was fine.

I was thinking though if you are experiencing pain and discomfort then you should ask to go and get tests done to see if you have interstitial cystitis.

30-10-11, 13:38
Bronte you have hit the nail on the head saying I am fed up of worrying - this is the real problem rather than the symptom. I understand completely how you feel as I often feel just like that. I once told my husband that if I didn't have any symptoms I would not worry and he said almost no one has no symptoms its just that those without ha do not worry about them.

The urologist said to me- I have had the tests many times over many years of kidneys and now camera in bladder so unless I suddenly developed total bloody urine I need not see a Dr about it and I am happy with this.

Try and tell yourself that unless the toilet bowl is all blood then accept that the odd blood spot is normal for you and only worry if you get the first!

30-10-11, 14:57
thanks debbie the dr said if i carry on seeing the blood on a regular not occasionally like i do now they would look for a underlying cause i think she meant like a low grade infection or interstitial cystitis which you can only see in some cases by doing a distention cystoscopy but the dr says i do have leaky kidneys anyway and like you said if there was a serious cause for seeing the blood in urine they would have found it wouldnt they

30-10-11, 19:12
Yes yes yes they would have already found it.

Welcome to the leaky kidney club:)