View Full Version : Please help very scared

29-10-11, 17:43
I think I'm about to quit my job I can't handle this anxiety. I think I have a brain tumor my head hurts all day and all night. Doctor thinks sinus . I can't stop googling stuff now I'm beyond convinced I have one. I feel so down in the dumps I just want to lay in bed but even in bed I'm terrified. I can't stop checking things I read sinus headaches feel worse bending over.. So I bend over many times to see if there is a difference. I try to google things to re assure me but only find the most horrific crap you have ever heard.. What's bizzare is I actually believe in my heart I'm very I'll. I have nausea another symptom I try and throw up but I think it's more stress heaving. I'm sorry for ranting but I feel so close to the edge.

29-10-11, 18:41
I'm also convienced that I am seriously ill because it's just so hard to believe that anxiety can give us so many scary symptoms. And like you, I also google which is the worst thing I can do because I always work myself up into quite a state. I'm trying to stay off those medical websites and trust my doctor but it's so hard!

29-10-11, 19:56
Those symptoms are also symptoms of anxiety. There are endless possible causes of a long-lasting headache!
My advise: STOP searching on the web. get checked up as quickly as possible, and request an MRI. that will rule out anything like a brain tumor.