View Full Version : Not again!

25-05-06, 08:41
Woke up today heart racing, what;f questions and feeling nauseaus. Can't breathe and chest tight. have a difficult day ahead, some ferrying of childrena and seeing CBT. Also scared that symptoms are starting up again - can't work out which came first return of symptom that started me to worry/panic or the anxiety that brought on the symptom - chicken and egg really. Fear is very real at the moment and I have to be strong today as lots to do. Also due to go away on short hol tomorrow and terrified that I'm going to fall apart. Helpppp!!![Ugh]


'This too will pass'

25-05-06, 08:50
Sorry you are feeling rough.
As you know already the key is just to let it wash over you and not fight it.
It is probably just a little apprehension about up and coming events.

Deep breaths and a bit of relaxation!

Hope you feel better seen.

Hay x

marie ross
25-05-06, 09:00
Hi Daisybun,

How are you feeling now? Sorry that your feeling rubbish at the moment, but it sounds like your anxiety has gone into overdrive with all the things that are going on in your life at the moment. I'm sure that they will pass soon, maybe going to CBT and talking about them will help you a lot. Try to take it easy today (easier said than done!!!!) and i really hope that your holiday goes well (going anywhere nice???) When i go away or have loads of things going on at once it makes me feel sick just thinking about them all, i hope all your symtoms disappear so you can enjoy your holiday. You'll be fine.

Take care.

Marie XXX

Miss Pink
25-05-06, 09:48
Hi Daisy,

Sorry to hear you're struggling a bit at the minute...it so annoying all these good days and bad days isn't it[Sigh...]

I agree with Marie and Hayles, it is probably apprehension about your holiday creeping up on you, it must feel much harder to cope with the "what ifs" today, as you are busy and probably feel you haven't got time to relax/prepare yourself metally before you go away - once you're there you will probably feel much better.

Hope the CBT goes ok today, sending lots of good wishes for you to have a great holiday (think of your hol as "therapy", works for me sometimes)

Let us know how you get on

PS How was your chinese buffet?!! lol

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

25-05-06, 09:56
Hi Daisybun,

Sounds like you are subconsciously worrying about the short hol - this always happens to me and it's so annoying!
It's good that you've got CBT today, it might help calm you down a bit. Try and talk yourself down, tell yourself that there's nothing to worry about, it's all fine, it's just stupid panic trying to wind you up.
Bad days are such a nightmare, really hope you start feeling better. And have a fantastic holiday!
Henri xx

25-05-06, 11:31
Hi Daisy

Sorry to hear you are struggling hunny. I was in your shoes earlier in the week when I had my daughters birthday party to deal with and got myself in a total state. As people kept saying to me the apprehension anxiety was worse than the event.

Something that did help me was I carried a bottle of water with me all day with Rescue Remedy in it so I could sip all day - this really helped. Also when I felt overwhelmed would got o the loo and do some "belly breathing" for a minute or two.

I was OK, am suffering now with the exhaustion of being so tense but all in all was fine.

You are sooo brave going on hols - I couldn't do that !

We all will be thinking of you.

Love Katie S xx

"Angels can fly because they take life so lightly"

25-05-06, 16:56
Thanks everyone, the children arrived safely and I made my appt, only to find it's an assessment and I'm on a waiting list. Also want me to try citalopram again, not sure about that. Had it 4 yrs ago was OK took it last year and awful tummy trouble, but nurse said its the mildest and most effective for my condition any advice here?


'This too will pass'

Two heads
25-05-06, 17:13
Hi daisy!
Sorry your feeling rubbish again hun.You will really enjoy your hols sweet im sure so do really try not to think to hard about this because it will make it so much worse.
My doc said that citalopram was the easyest to come off, so i expect in that sense if your going to take Ad then give it a bash again!Just make sure you eat plenty and start with alow dose 10mg and ease yourself on to them slowly.Thats what i have been doing for the last 3months hun.xxxx

25-05-06, 17:31
Thanks Bong, I'm worried that it'll upset my tummy, when i came off them before I was fine, no trouble at all. Eating may help then, I'll try taking it with food.


'This too will pass'

Two heads
25-05-06, 17:53
I all ways take mine in the mor after breakfast and keep my tummy fairly full most of the day!xxx