View Full Version : Peppermint Tea

29-10-11, 21:42
can anybody help i have symptoms of constipation as my tummys been through stress due to anxiety.I made the mistake of eating of eating chinese food and now feel sick :(

ive heard peppermint tea helps with IBS constipation,does it help with the nausea and dizzy symptoms

Have any of you tried this???? in what way does it help you????

29-10-11, 22:48
I don't reckon much to the peppermint tea compared to these...


.....the 200mg strength and tummy calming effects, plus easing nausea, make them very good for me when needed.

Hope that they help you as well :)

29-10-11, 22:54
Ginger tea is very good for nausea. Or you can grate fresh ginger into hot water and drink.

29-10-11, 22:55
does it help with the dizzyness???

29-10-11, 22:56
I was just going to add that ginger tea is also good, although I do chop up some fresh ginger root in mine. I would not know about dizziness as that is one thing I do not get (well yet maybe :D)

30-10-11, 19:39
i have this and its horrid! Try eating 5 prunes and you will be pooping properly again =) prunes are horrible at first but they actually get quite tastey after a while. This is a quick and healthy fix xxx

30-10-11, 20:52
peppermint tea is great! because it relaxs the digestive muscles, HOWEVER it also relaxes ur sphincter and that can cause heart burn :(

30-10-11, 21:23
I find peppermint tea does settle an anxious tummy but not sure it helps with dizziness.

30-10-11, 21:30
if you are dizzy, the best thing is to just lie down somewhere dark. probably not constipation related though.