View Full Version : waves of anxiety or panic

30-10-11, 00:25
Hi anyone,
2 questions, why do I get this sudden feeling of a huge wave or something come over me from my head to my feet when i am not even thinking or feel anxious about anything ? A strong panic feeling I guess ! But why when Im not even anxious ?
Are twitching muscles a side affect to taking propranolol and sertraline, in my face around my mouth, arms and legs, not all the time but quite frequent ? A horrible sensation and im worried it might get worse if I keep taking the tablets ? any advice welcome x

30-10-11, 00:38
Hi Ella,

I get random waves of panic sometimes, a bit like an adrenaline rush. Not sure why, but apparently it's quite common if you suffer from anxiety.
I got tension in my jaw and legs when I first started taking propranolol. It didn't get worse though - lots of people get side-effects that usually subside after a while. For me it was a couple of weeks. Haven't taken sertraline, but there are sections on the forum for a lot of the more common medications.

Just give it time:)

30-10-11, 02:40
I hate those waves of panic because a lot of time they happen for no reason to me! I could just be relaxing reading a book and I'll get an intense wave of adrenaline that used to scare me so bad. I've gotten more used to them and have learned not to pay them much attention because if I do then I will set off a panic attack.

30-10-11, 07:32
I've just joined the forum, have been going through a really touch time with extreme anxiety and panic attacks - getting more back to normal but today woke with a real flooding of panic and still feel twitchy now. Guess like you say its something I need to learn to deal with by not taking too much notice

30-10-11, 08:01
I've just joined the forum, have been going through a really touch time with extreme anxiety and panic attacks - getting more back to normal but today woke with a real flooding of panic and still feel twitchy now. Guess like you say its something I need to learn to deal with by not taking too much notice

Me too about 3 this morning :scared15: Why does it seem to be Sundays? Screwing up a day I should be resting up:mad: