View Full Version : Please tell me this is not mouth cancer, terrified

25-05-06, 09:18
Hi guys,

I'm new here, but reading the posts has given me some relief from the unrelenting health anxiety I have suffered since march, when I had a very minor cancer scare. Ok, so I'm twenty five, I don't smoke or drink (although I did smoke for a few years) and I'm generally in very good health (try to get me to believe it, though :)).

The latest obsession that's making me paralysed with fear is a sore on the roof of my mouth. It started as far as I know yesterday morning, and at the time when it started it was flat but with that characteristic taste that sores have. During the day yesterday it seemed to shrink very quickly, in a matter of hours. By the evening, it had basically turned into a little (couple of mm) crater. Then it basically stayed the same until now.

I'm terrified that it's mouth cancer because of the quick changes yesterday, and because it doesn't seem to be healing anymore. Also, I've never before had a sore that resembled a crater. (Although I probably wouldn't have paid that close attention to my symptoms before this started). Is this anything like mouth cancer? I don't want to google as I know it only makes things worse.

Please tell me that this too, like the fifty symptoms before it, is nothing.



Miss Pink
25-05-06, 09:34
Hi Melissa,

Sorry to hear your struggling at the minute. Could it be a small mouth ulcer? - they resemble craters and have a distinct metally/acidic taste. you can get them anywhere in your mouth and they appear/disappear REALLY quickly. Is it sore?

I had a fear about this last year when I noticed some red patches at the back of my throat. My Doctor however said it was fine and that the majority of the time, mouth cancers have a white appearance.

I've had a quick google for you (to save you panicking - although I started feeling my heart racing myself - lol, crazy huh !!![:P][:I]) - anyway I found a few things that might put your mind at rest -

1) A sore/ulcer only becomes a worry if it remains for more than 3 weeks

2) It is very rare in people under 30

3) A Dentist is generally more qualified in this area than a Doctor (so why not book a quick check up at your Dentist and tell him/her your concerns if you are still worried in a few weeks)

Hope this helps and you feel calmer soon !!

Take Care

PS If you're anything like me, the bets are once you ignore it , it will go, then you will start to notice something else, e.g., that your right arm is a few mm longer than your left arm and that it could be the very rare racing green dancing spotted frog disease[xx(][:O][xx(][:O][xx(][:O], normally found in India, caught by handling worms at a small age....lol ha ha ha ha ....the number of things I've had over the past year really is ridiculous . . .like others on here, I'm a walking miracle [:P] lol

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

25-05-06, 10:57

Check out my posts this week, i too have mouth cancer this week.
I have had a sore throat/mouth for 3 weeks on and off, i cant see anything but my mouth just feels funny!

I went to the Docs, and she said it may be a result of redusing my meds.

It sounds like you have an ulcer! Try not to panic, why not book an appointment with the dentisit like racheal says!!!!

Ps...Racheal love your response!

Hay x

25-05-06, 11:04
Im pretty sure you dont have mouth cancer, ive never known it at your age and its far more common in people who are heavy smokers and heavy drinkers (and have been for a while) its the combination of alcohol and tobacco which are deadly over a long period of time. Mouth cancer is a slow growing thing and doesnt change drastically in the way you described,it sounds to me like a little irritation,i get them all the time, especially if anxious and run down. Dentists are the people who know the most about these things and im always rest assured in the fact that i have 2 six monthly checkups a year and 4 hygenist visits a year. They might not mention it to you but when they are checking your teeth they are also checking the health of your gums and oral membranes they can tell so much about your whole digestive system from the state of your oral cavity and they are also looking for anything sinister. In oral cancer it isnt alsways the things that are the most painful or that feeland look the worst that are sinister,i was once at a conference about it (im a nurse) and they gave us pictures and asked us to tell which mouth we thought had cancer and we got it wrong almost everytime,i learned a lot that day and im pretty sure you have nothin to worry about.

I just want my life back

25-05-06, 11:29

I'm going through the same thing as I felt something different with my tongue yesterday on the roof of my mouth.

My wife has looked and said it looks like an ulcer but I'm suffering bad over it with anxiety as I have never had an ulcer on the roof of my mouth.


25-05-06, 16:40
Hi Melissa - I'm sure its just an ulcer, I suffer with them a lot and they feel like craters!! They hurt like hell, but it will be gone in a few days.
Love Helen

25-05-06, 17:16
If your run down you can get mouth ulcers, alos have you had antibiotics or are you on any other meds as i find if I'm on antibiotics my mouth feels all scratchy and irritated. I agree with Miss Pink that your dentist can help put your mind at rest next time you go. Don't worry about it


'This too will pass'

25-05-06, 17:52
Sounds like a mouth ulcer to me, i get lots of them especially on the roof of my mouth. They do feel like craters and i tend to find they last longer on the roof of your mouth than anywhere else.

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

25-05-06, 22:12
Thank you for your kind responses. I've talked to my husband (poor guy, he's got some patience), and I feel a lot better. Hey, I'm beginning to think maybe it IS just a mouth ulcer:)!

For those of you that are worried about the same thing, please email me! We can support each other and try to keep rational. Best wishes to those who are anxious right now, I know what it's like and it's horrible. Don't suffer in silence.


01-06-06, 22:21
Just wanted to add that the ulcer healed, by itself, in a few days. Phew! And who's going to give me back the time I lost worrying? All the worry we waste...Anyhow, hope this helps someone who's convinced, like I was, that this time it is for real.