View Full Version : Feel sick and freaking out

30-10-11, 02:23

So i've been feeling queasy for a few hours and burping a lot and had a touch of the runs and im freaking out as im terrified of being sick and my anxietys been so high this week im shaking like a leaf.

Im almost certain its just trap wind and my anxieties going bonkers but there's always that doubt that I might be really sick which keeps sending me off into a tail spin

need some kind words


30-10-11, 02:46
Yes I got that same exact thing a few nights ago, and the more I worried about it the worse I felt. Try and maybe drink some peppermint tea or chamomile which is supposed to be very soothing to the stomach. Also try to eat very plain for the next few meals as your stomach is very sensitive right now and you don't want to make it worse with anything greasy or spicy. Whenever anyone in my house has an upset tummy we go on the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Hope you feel better soon! Xx

30-10-11, 03:00
Thank you

I just worked myself up into such a tizz - its been a very stressfull couple of weeks as my bf broke up with me and i thought i was coping well but i think its just caught up with me, hope im starting to calm down and ive got myself a cup of peppermint tea so hopefully will shift some of this nausea

just having someone respond is enough to make me calm down a bit so thank you xx

30-10-11, 03:08
You're very welcome! I'm sorry about your bf ... Having anxiety is bad enough without having to deal with a breakup. Don't be too worried if your symptoms are worse during this tough time...that's totally normal. Last month I resigned from my job which I loved due to panic attacks and my grandpa died so you can imagine how horrible I felt. A breakup is a major loss that needs to be grieved properly, if we don't then it all hits us like a ton of bricks later on. A good cry now and again is actually really good for you, so don't be scared to let all your emotions out and you'll feel better little by little. Let me know how you're doing..take care! Xx

30-10-11, 17:25
So still got the nausea and nervous tummy but not so bad today and im trying to keep convincing myself that im not ill or going to be sick - but its hard because you cant believe that trapped wind could make you feel soo bad!

Struggling with the anxiety and missing my bf, but I know that this to shall pass and I will feel better again, just the anxiety getting me down. x