View Full Version : Frequent urination

25-05-06, 09:38
Does anyone else get the urge to go to the toilet all the time when they are very anxious about something.
I was going on holiday earlier this week and the day before I felt I needed to go all the time, I got so worked up we ended up not going, now a couple of days later I'm almost back to normal.
I have recently cut me medication right down, my idea was to stop it completely, maybe that wasn't a good idea, when I was on it I never had that problem, well, not as bad.
I did have the same thing a few years ago before I was on any medication and that I knew I had anxiety.
It goes off completely once I get to sleep on a night and I am relaxed.
It definitly seems to come on with stress and anxiety.
If anyone else has the same problem please let me know.


25-05-06, 10:21
hi there chris.i can so relate to you!!!when im out and about (this is when i get anxious)i cant go past a toilet without goin to it!(altho now i can use my pregnancy as an excuse!!)the more u think about needing the toilet the more you want to go.i know how bad it is and it aint pleasent but youve got to try and put it to the back of your mind.the more you go to the toilet the worse it will get im afraid.have you been to the doctors to check if you have a water infection???hope this helps pm me if u need to chat take care luv mooxXx

25-05-06, 15:38
i need the loo all the time too..lol ive no infection so just part and parcel of anxiety for me and im used to it lol

jools xx

25-05-06, 16:48
im the same joolsukuk ive got used to it now too.but at first when i started with the problem it freaked me out everytime i went out i thought oh no im going to wee mayself!!i never did tho!i usually find im dreadful if im in a que in a shop or something but as soon as im near a toilet the feeling goes!strange hey!!

25-05-06, 17:09
Me too, worst symptom this time, really freaked me out, thought i was going down with something awful, infection, then googled symptoms, had all that too, seeing urologist now as was so afraid, but it is definitely anxiety cause when i don't think about it I'm fine, the more anxious i get the more I need the loo, as i said it is a chicken and egg situation with me and I focus on it so much. Its a bit more of the This week i am mostly dying of... as last time it was my throat i focussed on. Its also not one that people talk about much so it can be quite hard to accept that it isn't something more serious, so thanks for sharing people, I'm sure that's helped loads of people out there.
take care


'This too will pass'