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View Full Version : 2mg diazapam not working

30-10-11, 11:25
Have been given a few diazapam to help me whilst my fluoexetine settles and starts to work (3 weeks!) I have tried taking a 2mg tablet but not doing much, just want this agitation and anxiety to pass. Also had to ask for more zopiclone as although sleep had started to settle its now dreadful again. What a mess! Just want to feel ok again, Maybe 20mg fluoexetine not enough or Maybe need a few more weeks.Advice please?

30-10-11, 11:44
I think it's the same as most ADs it takes a while to get into your system and to start working, if you can stick it out give it a few weeks and see how you feel then. 2mg of Diaz is a small dose, maybe speak to your doc and see if you could take a little more to help you through this hard time?? Just remember Diaz is great for short term use but try not to be on it too long. Good luck :)

30-10-11, 12:09
Thank you for your speedy reply. It's just so horrid feeling lethargic and disinterested whilt agitated and nervous at the same time, especially when trying to look after family. It's the early morning waking in a panic which is the pits.have u had any of these feelings?

30-10-11, 12:56
I have and still do! My doc said when i was at my worst and suffering bad side effects of citalopram i could safely take 4mg of diazepam 3 times a day for a short period. Good luck x x

30-10-11, 13:34
Unfortunately yes I had those feelings quite a lot :( things have settled down for me a bit now with the ADs in my system. I know its pretty horrific and is really hard when you have a family, persevere and hopefully things will start to improve for you :) there's always people around here to talk to

30-10-11, 23:03
Diazepam is great when you are starting on a new drug which actually increases your anxiety initially. 2mg is a low dose so maybe you need a little more until you get settled with the prozac. A lot of people stop anti-depressants too quickly as the initial side effects are unbearable. They will wear off so try to stick with the prozac for a bit longer if you can and if you don't feel any better in six weeks or so ask for something else. Initial insomnia is also a common side effect but again, it will wear off eventually. Use your diazepam and zopiclone in the meantime.

Good Luck. x

31-10-11, 00:42
2 mg is really low, maybe 5mg x 3 times a day would of been a lot more suitable, it would of gave a relief for the first few days taken it then after a few days would of built up and really kicked in

It's a horrible drug to get hooked on however, maybe talk to your doctor again tell him you just cant cope and after research think the valium should be increased till the AD kicks in

To be honest it's not the best route to take, your probally better off stuffering for a week or two till the anxiety depressiant starts doing it stuff, cos like the sleeping pills your taken the valium is really a bad relationship to be starting cos it can be so tuff to kick

With anxiety you are so prone to addiction , so taken these instant relief drugs, even headache tablets, you got to watch as it can lead onto an addiction real quick.

however i do know you are probally suffering real bad at the moment, finding it hard to even get through the day, and probally read the posts here at times can be hard

Valium will kick in right away if you need a couple of days head room, and it does build up be be carefull with it, even a month on it and you can be hooked.

A higher dose of valium and u could of binned the sleepers a lot easyly too.