View Full Version : Afraid of Vomiting

30-10-11, 12:21
Hi. I don't know if anyone else has this, but over the past few months ive become terrified that im going to throw up in public. I don't know why, or even how this fear came about, as this has never happened to me before, but I cant seem to shake it. But now its become so bad that even when im at home im afraid I might get sick. When im eating I constantly think what if this gives me food poisoning? Its starting to really get me down, as I dont know how to deal with it. I still force myself to always go out, and to always eat properly, but nothing seems to make me feel better. Does anyone else get this? Im really worried that it could become so bad that I become agoraphobic.

31-10-11, 00:37
I have had a fear of vomiting since I was a little girl.
The reason being is one time when I vomited it burnt my throat and left a horrible taste and ever since then I have been afraid of vomiting.

I have vomited a few times since then but hardly ever. I am scared of reflux too and if I get it I am onto the medication straight away.

Its weird because I cant help this but now when I feel like I am going to vomit I end up crying because I dont want to have the feeling of it coming up. I use to fight it and it worked but I doubt it would be good for me to do that.