View Full Version : Just feel as though something is wrong with me.

30-10-11, 12:24
Over the last 7 or 8 weeks. Ive not been able to shake this feeling that i have something wrong with me. Im not sure why, or where it came from, but now evey little twitch or ache or pain, anything, just sets it off and makes me feel like i could have an illness. Ive had blood tests done, and pretty much everything has been checked, but i just can't shake it. Does anyone esle feel like this?

30-10-11, 13:03
absolutely!! I think that this is the core of health anxiety the feeling that somethings not quite right. It's a really awful feeling made worse by the fact that our bodies produce real physical sensations like aches pains when we are stressed so it's a vicious circle.
Feel stressed about something that might be unrelated to health=physical aches=anxiety/worry=intensification of those physical feelings + our minds become more aware and check for these physical sensations=MORE anxiety
I feel for you, myself and a whole load of other people on this site know what you're going through
Best wishes

30-10-11, 14:55
Yes i get this everyday, the feeling of dread and doom that something is wrong with me!
It is a symptom of anxiety.....

30-10-11, 15:30
Totally and along with it the frustration of the doctors telling you that you are wrong and that you are fine when you just feel something is up! All part of anxiety I am afraid! You are not alone in this at all. x

31-10-11, 05:24
I feel like this when I am having an "episode". I go through phases.....i'm fine for a while but then I get some strange "symptom" and become convinced that there is something terribly wrong with me. Fo instance, I recently started getting shooting pains in my abdomen. This radiated to my lower back. I was prodding around and located a lump that feels like a lymph node but I am not sure what it is. So first I started thinking I was having kidney failure, don't ask why. Then I moved onto kidney cancer. Then I thought I had cervical cancer that had spread to my nearby organs. Then I thought it had spread to my lymph nodes. THEN I started telling myself it's lymphoma. This is the cycle I go through until a dr tells me i'm ok. Then my fears are calmed until another strange symptom appears and I repeat the whole process.

I literally convince myself that I am dying. I imagine the motions in my head. I cry. I feel like it's time to start tying up loose ends and handling my final business. Even typing this right now is making me feel like I am going to pass out. But overall, I always feel like I am going to die young. That's the gist of it.....and there's no shaking it. You are totally not alone.

31-10-11, 06:25
I get health anxiety really bad and I am like that too.
I ended up crying because I found a small lump on my ear lobe, I got it checked by my doctor by the way.

The only thing with me that makes me feel better is a trip to my doctor not just anyone it has to be my gp and she always reassures me that everything is alright and there is nothing to worry about and I usually feel alot better after that like a big load has been taken off my back.