View Full Version : Night Sweat Question - Please answer!!! :(

30-10-11, 13:42
Hi, I am freaking out this morning. For the past week, I have been slightly run down and the past few months really stressed out. I have felt basically ok but a little more fatigued and have a scratchy throat and some post nasal drip. But it doesn't seem to be going away. Started maybe Monday and now is still going. Anyway all was well and good but then last night I kept waking up with night sweats!! Now all I am thinking is LYMPHOMA or another hidden cancer.

Are night sweats typical if you are fighting a cold??? Should I be worried? This is the first night it has happened recently. I have had them before once in a while but never too often.

Please respond, nervous!!!

30-10-11, 14:54
Hi swgr109,
I had exactly the same thoughts about night sweats..like you i thought i had lymphoma. so i had it checked out by having blood tests and xrays..but all came back negative..it is worrying i know, but i was told that it was my meds making me night sweat every night.
You sound just a little run down, thats all!!.
Your be fine :)