View Full Version : sertraline to mitrazipain

30-10-11, 14:53
In need of advice was on 200mg or sertraline see gp and he suggested i go on to mitrazipain sorry if spelling wrong so first week i did one dy 200 and one day 100 ,then he said go down to 100mg for 2nd week and then come back.. stop taking and go on to mitrzaipain..... well have done this and feel bloody awful apart drom the anxiety.. i am depresswed still and still tearful and can't function as feel dizzy and keep having these brain zaps.. loosing my balance ... i have 3 kids to look after and every thing is such hard work ....can anyone help me?

30-10-11, 15:27

Sorry you are feeling so awful. I have not taken sertraline but took citalopram and came off that to go on to mirtazipine (the sertraline and cit belong in the same group of ad's srris).

I felt similiar to you with the dizzy and the brain zaps...it is quite normal when you withdraw from srri's and it will pass.

Are you taking 15mg of mirtazipine? You may feel dizzy and sleepy on this for a while until your body gets used to it.

Its probably early days for the anxiety/depression to start to lift. 4-6 weeks before you start to feel any benefit.

Hope this helps and hope you feel better soon...must be difficult when you have young children to look after.

Take care

30-10-11, 16:40
Hi Oldskoollady,

I was in a similar position to you, went from 150mg sertraline to 15mg mirtazapine in the course of 3 weeks, with a three day break between meds. I guess it is nearly impossible to say what symptom is withdrawal, and what is a side effect of the new med.
It might be worth asking your dr if there is something he could give you to help cope with adjusting to the new med? Mine gave me diazepam to take.

How long have you been taking mirtazapine for? My experience with mirtazapine was that while it did help eventually, it took 1 month to get used to side effects so they didn't totally make me a zombie, and another few weeks after that before I began to feel any positive effects. If you can, do try to stick with it a bit longer.

I can't imagine how hard it is to have children to look after as well. Could you ask a close friend to come in sometimes to help look after them, do school runs or help prepare food?

30-10-11, 19:05
thanks will spkto doc tomorrow ..thanks and yes only day 4 and 15mg. and yes will ask friend for help xx :hugs: