View Full Version : Heartburn issues worried scared pls help!

30-10-11, 17:52
Hi not posted here for a while, but recently been having constant daily heartburn/chest pain. I started lanporozole 5 months ago but my main issue wasn't heartburn I never used to get it, my issue was stomach burning, gastritis and hiatal hernia. Had a scope back in 2010.

Am really worried that this heartburn is a start of something more sinister and I cant get this out of my mind!!

I also read that PPI can cause heartburn in people with no heartburn, am thinking of stopping them? I also visited a chiropractor to fix my hiatal hernia and to my amazement I no longer have that. But my symptoms still same. Am constancy worrying thinking abt my Gi issues. This anxiety is driving me crazy all I do is go work and home and worry abt my health. I would love to hear someone who has been through this and been OK. And I am also taking care in eating have done for past 6 months.

Thanks for listening


01-11-11, 12:35
Anyone please?

02-11-11, 19:05
Sorry but need to bump this? Still feeling uneasy

03-11-11, 09:16
I dont really know much about it.

But I have suffered hart burn quite alot and I usually take mylanta which usually soothes it. I always find its my diet and by the sounds of it your stomach could be getting over acidy with certain foods.

Maybe try taking an antacid to see if that helps a bit because that will help take away the excess acid in your stomach.

Sorry I cant offer much advice Ive always had health professionals say I'm either over acid and then I'm under acid and I can never keep a balance. But anyway do try that otherwise go and see your gp or a pharmacist and they can recommend something to you.

03-11-11, 11:54
Ive suffered with indigestion/acid issues for years-I take omeprazole daily. Sometimes when I lay down in bed the discomfort in my central chest is so bad I think Im having a heart attack !! You can t underestimate how ill stomach acid makes you feel-if you thinkthat the acid is burning the internal tissue in your stomach and gullet then I suppose you can understand why you feel so rotten. Thing is worry causes more acid production so it becomes a cycle. You could always try and eliminate foods that make it worse-mines white wine and spicy food. A gp told me it take about 6-8 weeks for inflamed stomach lining to repair. x

03-11-11, 20:26
Ok thanks for your help I have stopped taking ppi last few days and have seen some improvement but will see how it goes am on ranitidine twice a day now. And very careful with what I eat. This acid thing is so annoying, can really send u in anxiety, think it's. My anxiety that triggers it off, does anyone feel that they are not stressed and still get it? Finding it difficult especially wen doctors are saying there is nothing wrong.......any one else feel like this?

Thanks for ur help guys wen I feel down it's reading this forum that cheers me up :)