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30-10-11, 23:29

I really could do with a bit of advice.

Last week I had quite an upset stomach – grumbly and lost of burps (sorry to be so explicit). On Friday, I developed a real ache in my lower left abdomen and began passing a lot of wind, but couldn’t muster much when I sat down on the loo. Normal I’m very regular but there has just been nothing doing. The ache has become more of a passing pain now, still in exactly the same spot with increased noises periodically coming from my tummy.

I’m hoping that it’s some kind of stress induced IBS or something.

I finally managed to get to the loo today and was expecting to have a constipated type No 2, but it was quite the opposite – very loose. This has sent my anxiety sky high and now the discomfort in my abdomen is feeling very sharp indeed.

Terrified that it could be a tumour in my bowel (no sign of bleeding or anything) but I just can’t believe that such a painful abdomen could possibly be down to something like IBS or nervous gastric reaction.

Any words would be very welcome please.


---------- Post added at 23:29 ---------- Previous post was at 19:30 ----------


31-10-11, 09:29
I've got very similar at the moment! HA been great for a few months but started gettting griping pains in lower abdoment earlier this week. Then terrible, smelly wind, and lots of it. Then yesterday after eating terrible pains then explosive diarrhoea!
I'm hoping it's a bug - a few people have said they are like this at the moment.

31-10-11, 20:23
Thanks Miggy.

I've got terrible grumbly pains but no 'danger signs' that I'm aware of. Managed to get to the loo but still really uncomfortable. I'm going to give it a few days and see how it goes.

Hope you feel better soon.

31-10-11, 21:04
Hi Dan
Lower left abdo pain with wind is a classic symptom of IBS-which may be caused by a bug or anxiety. If it makes you feel better Ive had a noisy tum with wind all weekend and constipation too-Im not worried as I know mine is IBS. If yours continues then see gp and get some colofac ( actually you can buy Buscopan over the counter ) Hope this helps x

31-10-11, 21:58
Are you diagnosed with IBS? because if you are then I would take their word for it.

There are so many times I have mistaken a tummy bug for IBS symptoms and called in sick only to find I feel physically fine about a couple of hours later and a sign that I'm hungry and eating again. But hey what can you do you dont want to go into work if it was a bug.

Anyway I would mention the symptoms to your gp and if you are a diagnosed IBS sufferer then they prob wouldnt worry aobut it too much but it is nice for them to know and have it on record so if you complain again they can go back and see what to do about it.

All the best.