View Full Version : how do you fight your anxiety?

30-10-11, 19:41
what are some tips on fighting anxiety ? I'm trying to hold onto college as much as i can but anxiety is beating me...ive got one last chance to go and i sooooo want to do it but i dont want this anxiety attached to me every time i go

any tips



Thanks for viewing but please can you answer? =/

31-10-11, 18:09
Hi there
For me the best way to deal with anxiety is to accept it.I find the more you challenge it and try to rationalise it the worse it is. Also if and when that panic attack comes challenge it to do its worst -this seems to diffuse it in my experience. Many other techniques can help such as any form of distraction -a puzzle ,reading a book or even repeating a comforting word or phrase until the negative thoughts have gone away
Hope you find something that works for you
Best wishes

31-10-11, 20:27
Everybody may get anxious, it is NORMAL to be anxious. So don't just think you are the only one who is anxious.

If it is work/study related, Some people take things too seriously, generally they are perfectionist, so they don't like failure. But always do your best in everything. You can not guarantee the outcome but you can guarantee that that you did your best.

Remember, there is always an alternative to anything in life, a different role, different course. YOU have to find the right thing and right path.

Hazel B
31-10-11, 20:57
Things I did:

Stop smoking
Stop drinking coffee with caffeine
Learn to challenge negative thoughts
Accept anxiety will not kill you
Learn to live more "in the moment"
Eat more healthy food - low fat and more fruit and veg
Exercise regularly and walk outside when possible
Ask the doctor for advice
Had counselling to deal with underlying issues
Sleep well (not easy)
It takes a few months but you can fight back.