View Full Version : Prednisolone just for 3 days

30-10-11, 19:51
Have anyone ever from you been on prednisolone, i had a bad food allergy and doctor prescribed me to take 40 mg for just 3 days, but i read this horrible storys in google, when its can be hallucinations, anxiety, panic attaks and deppresion that really scared me:weep:
And can you cut off that big dose that quick, as its should be normally decreased slowly

30-10-11, 20:03
Don't google!!!! Any medications have a long list of side effects! I've just read the leaflet inside my pack of painkillers (over the counter-paracetamol and aspirin) couldn't believe it! Don't get me started on the my anti-depressants! Massive list! If I had not tried them I would not be in the better place I am now.

Try them! If they work great! If they don't then don't take them any more. 3 days is really not long enough for you to become addicted to them so don't worry about that. Your doctor has a duty of care and would give you something he didn't think was appropriate.

Panic over!!! I nearly stopped some tablets I was on due to the complications I 'could' have. But I got another prescription for something else and the leaflet was just the same! So decided to stick with what I had and have never looked back!

Give them a go!


30-10-11, 20:48
Hi Dace,

I agree with mabel....please try not to Google. All it does is show up all of the worst case scenario stuff about meds. Instead of calming your worries because you are well informed about the drug, it just makes you more anxious.

I have seen many people on prednisolone, some long term, and I have never heard of any that have suffered side effects you have listed. That is just my experience anyway.

You are only taking a very short course of prednisolone, so in your case it does not need to be weaned down. It only needs that if you are taking it for more than 3 days.

I would see how you go with it.

Hope you feel better soon.xx:hugs:

30-10-11, 20:56
Funnily enough I came on here to write a post on asthma and saw this topic. Basically, seroxat no asthma, came off Seroxat bad asthma flare-up. Anyway Doctor gave me short sharp Prednisolone to quickly ease things. Was a bit wary so only took half-dose (I know, I know). Chest began to feel okay but after about six hours I started blotching up with angry hives all over my body. Started panicking like hell because the label said contact doctor immediately if this happens, even more so because a local girl died of an allergic reaction recently (hair dye). Anyway, thankfully hives calmed down quickly except for my face, that was red and blotchy for days, so managed to stop myself from dashing to A&E. Phoned doc the next day and he didn't seem too concerned since my breathing was okay and simply prescribed Piriton antihistamine and toldme to finish the course.
So, my point. I did experience unwanted side effect but tablet did work. However, I got too much of a fright and didn't complete the course even though I KNOW the Prednisolone reaction was no more an allergic reaction than my asthma! :-/

30-10-11, 22:50
No personal experience but my cat is on 5mg just now for a skin allergy, he was biting his fur out in huge clumps but since being on prednisolone he's stopped! No apparent side effects apart from he climbed a tree for the first time in years the other day. He's quite old and a bit athritic and prednisolone apparently has anti-inflammatory properties!! :D