View Full Version : Can this help Swallowing Disorder?

30-10-11, 20:54
wondering if CBT is worth considering for a fear of swallowing too much food?

im ok with soft food or small amounts of solid food but im wondering if i have some kind of mental block on normal amounts of solid food being swallowed that has developed over the years from mental to physical. i have heard of conditions starting out in the mind and then getting so bad they begin to have a physiological effect on the area of the body affected.

i had another endoscopy recently and that was all normal. i am due to have 24ph monitoring and manometry shortly but if that proves normal then this is the only thing left that i can think is causing my problem.

30-10-11, 21:37
Definately! CBT helps with all sorts of phobias! You could also try hypnotherapy, apparently this often releives fears, even if it only temporary, but we reccommend CBT highly on this forum.
Your fear won't cause you to have more difficulty swallowing out of the body adjusting permanently to it, but your mind can tense you up and change your habits. Remember that you are in control of your fear and that fears cannot make themselves real out of force. Otherwise all us arachnaphobics here would grow 8 hairy legs!
I'm sure the tests will rule out anything physiological.
Take care