View Full Version : In a right mess

anx mum
30-10-11, 21:27
Not having a good day think im having palpations my hearts been fluttering and feels slow at times and fast at other times rung doc was scared hs told me to tke more propanel

30-10-11, 22:12
Having a bad day too and also considering taking some prop even though I haven't in ages. Hate this anxiety thing. Just wish it was possible to tell what's anxiety and what is something to worry about.

30-10-11, 22:57
I get those fluttering heart beats too.

Is that normal?

31-10-11, 07:07
this is all normal unfort in anxiety, i been getting the flutters, missed beats, breathlessness for weeks now , im now on more propranolol please try to belive the dr bev when he says its nothing serious easier said than done i know

31-10-11, 08:08
I had a bad day yesterday. Started waking up with that "Oh my god my heart" feeling at about 4.00am and from then all all bad.

Must have been something about yesterday that set us all off.

However, so far feeling much better today, so I hope you are all as well!

31-10-11, 08:18
I always wondered what those fluttering heart feelings were and when I googled them they said its usually nothing too serious.
I asked my gp anyway for reassurance and she said its completely normal and my heart was healthy. It made me feel better :)

31-10-11, 21:16
Hi all
Yep I get all this from time to time. Sometimes I WAKE and feel like my hearts beating too slow and its gonna stop-well it has nt ! Then other times Im watching t.v not even stressed and it goes racing off-thing is we ve all been having these for ages-damm anxiety-but its all o.k-and we know it !! :)

31-10-11, 21:50
Hi, I had the flutterings too so I ended up at hospital worried sick. I had an ECG and I have 'ectopic heartbeats'. Apparently these are VERY common and dont harm you at all and since being told this I feel a lot happier and although I don't like them I am getting used to them! Don't worry honestly....

31-10-11, 21:54
thanks Rosyb

Its good to see from other posters though that this is quite common because I get it occasionally and so when I go and see my gp I always forget to mention it to her and I have once and she said its normal and I usually get it after eating sugar too, i notice it during anxiety aswell.

31-10-11, 22:01
The doc at the hospital said the flutterings are worse with anxiety, also made worse by Chocolate, Caffeine & alcohol :wacko: whats left in the world!! Mine have definitely improved by cutting down my coffee drinking...