View Full Version : alcohol and panic attacks

30-10-11, 21:33

I just wanted to know if alcohol can cause panic attacks? I've had anxiety for a while now and recently everytime I go out and have a drinking session I get the worst panic attacks the next day. This never used to happen and its horrible been having panic attacks all day today and been feeling very nervous and on edge.

It sucks because when I drink im having a good time and my anxiety disappears but the following day is at times unbearable.

Does anyone have this problem?

30-10-11, 21:49
Alcohol raises your heart rate , lowers your blood sugar and dehydrated you.
All which can cause anxiey.
Eat before you drink , have water and or a sugary drink with your alcohol or between drinks.

30-10-11, 22:38
Yes alcohol can cause panic attacks.

30-10-11, 23:49
This is very common. You should probably give alcohol a rest or at least cut down.

31-10-11, 06:27
Yes, I have stopped drinking partially for that reason. Alcohol causes panic attacks and they may be very bad in some people. Mine were awful. It is also a depressive drug so wise to avoid it if you suffer from low moods.

Kate :flowers:

31-10-11, 10:13
Yes I have this problem, I found when i drank my anxiety seemed to be put aside but the next day was horrendous and I am the same I have chosen to cut down on my alcohol.

31-10-11, 10:24
yes they can deffo, i have cut my drinking right down now, i know my limits and i rarely have a panic attack the day after now :)

31-10-11, 16:38
I DO.... hi yes its really really bad for me.

i drink jack dainels on a satarday do a karaoke and have friends over it ends up to be a long night of drinking with my friends having a good laugh its the one day of the week i can forget bout all my worrys and i have to admit it does help me.
its good to be able to forget about anxiety for a while.

sunday tho is a different story i wake up feeling paranoid feeling really nervous and shaky and worrying more than i usaully would.
i end up spending the day in my night dress sitting on settee worrying and nervy.

as well as feeling the effects of a hangover headache/nausia/palpatations.

i suffer with ectopics and there sooo much worse the day after drinking.

i have been trying to cut down at the weekend but it hasent worked yet coz like you said it makes your anxiety go away while your drinking and its agood feeling.

my dads always getting on at me coz i used to go for dinner on a sunday and now im stuck on the settee.
he also says to me drinking will put you on a upper and the next day it puts you right back on a downer.
and i have often ended the night tearfull when friends have gone and ive drunk to much.
it is a depressent drug.
i know i will still probley drink again sat as i cant help it but i wish i dident use alcohol to help me coz it dont in the end it leaves you feeling worsexxx:doh:

31-10-11, 18:46
hell yes. I went to a party on sataday and was completely fine then just panicked for no reason whatsoever, I'm definitely blaming the drink. It's so embarrassing I think I managed to make a swift exit though before that many people were aware.
For me the hangover day is ok it's the day after (today) when I feel my lowest.
I have cut down a lot from what I used to drink though.
It's just not worth it anymore x

01-11-11, 01:59
I had too much vodka last night and i'm feeling the same way you are. It was great yesterday and then i had 2 hrs of sleep and this morning i am nauseas, got papls, shaky and very very anxious. i can't tell where the hangover stops & where the anxiety begins. i feel so close to a panic attack constantly today and too worried and anxious to try and get more sleep. it's soooooo HORRID!

01-11-11, 06:24
I have this will knobs on today. Felt so well the last few days, but woke with a racing heart which I was sure souls stop.

So glad this threa was here as it is a great comfort o know what it is even if it doesn't make me feel any better.