View Full Version : Severe irritability as a symptom?

31-10-11, 02:59
I have not taken any meds for about 2 months and have noticed that I am getting more and more irritable. Like bad. I take it out on my 4 year old and my husband, I am just snappy. But at the same time with my husband I feel like I am just lonely and irritated that he can't stop working. And my 4 year old who I would do anything for, I find myself constantly snapping at him and once I realize it - it breaks my heart that I yell at him :(.....I am just wondering, if this a normal symptom of anxiety? I really don't recall the last time I was just in a happy mood...any input helps. Thanks guys.

31-10-11, 03:14
Well when you have all that internal stuff going on youre going to have less patience , patience takes energy. People who are stressed , Sick , tired etc . . Are naturally much more probe to snapping.
Like with mePMS ugh makes me very snappy to the point I avoid people for a day or two because I find it hard not to get grumpy or argumentative .

It can be hard because some times you snap before your aware of it, maybe look up anger management online for some tips.
I guess if you can learn to recognise the warning signs you might be ae to go somewhere and calm down.

I would suggest some kind of therapy like CBT so you'd have a bit of extra support.

It must feel awful to snap at your son. Maybe there's a way you can explain it to him, so he doesnt feel like he's done anything wrong.
Parents are gods in children's eyes so they do blame a lot of stuff on themselves.

Try and make time for you and do things you enjoy.
I'm assuming your husband has to work that much. Maybe you could write him a letter :)