View Full Version : Introduction

31-10-11, 03:27
Hi everyone. I am a 27 yr old wife and mother of 3. I have serious issues with anxiety. I do have panic anxiety but this stems from my hypochondria. It's starting to become debilitating. I go through cycles.....I will be fine for weeks then out of nowhere I "notice something".....maybe the whites of my eyes are dull, I get an unexplained bruise, find a lump somewhere, have female issues....whatever..... and that starts the mania. I just become completely absorbed in whatever it is I think I have at the moment- which is usually everything.

I have always avoided being placed on medicine for this for several reasons. For one, I feel like I should be stronger than this. I feel like I should be rational and overcome it on my own. For two, I start to panic about what the medicine could possibly do to me- which triggers more panic attacks. For three, I fear that if I were on medicine I would be too nonchalant to notice when something truly is wrong with me. I have been like this for as long as I can remember but it really got worse when a friend of mine was killed in a car accident as a teenager. It took my fear of death to a whole new level.

I really hope to just meet people here that can relate. I worry though because I am scared I may pick up on everyone else's anxieties as well LOL. But really I just need someone to talk to. No one understands what I go through and it's really frustrating- for all of us.....

31-10-11, 04:09

Hello Kal. There are many people on here with health anxieties, and lots of information too. I hope you soon make friends and find tips to help you.

Vanilla Sky
31-10-11, 10:36
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x