View Full Version : couldn't stop worrying today

25-05-06, 10:21
I couldn't stop worrying today. No matter what I told myself.
I am in charge of a project and I was in charge of the printed materials.
I made a change in one aspect of the printed materials and then sent it round for approval, but I didn't specifically call people's attention to the change.
Four people looked at the materials and approved them. Two of the people even went to the printer and approved the materials.
I could have pointed out the change I made at any time. But I didn't. They approved the materials and approved going ahead with the printing.
So why am I raking myself over the coals today, feeling sick to my stomach - I can't ask them now, because one of the materials has already been printed and the people who approved the materials are out of town.
Why do I do this ONLY when I can not do anything about the situation. I KNOW they approved the materials. I know they approved the materials. I don't know why I'm worried that they didn't read what I gave them (even though they had three opportunities), and I don't know why I didn't just point it out when I had the opportunity to do so when it wouldn't have been a problem.
Do any of you have any advice how to turn off the worrying? I know I have to fix my behavior but that isn't helping me at the moment stop worrying. I *could* go down to the print shop and change it back the way it was, but then it wouldn't be the way they approved it.
If anybody's online, I'd like to chat.

25-05-06, 14:03
Hi Kgreen,

It really is not about turning the worry off, your worrying has basically just become your habit, these thoughts are just that your habit. If you suffer from anxiety then our anxiety makes us blow things out of all proportion. What I did was just say "These thought's are not real they come because of my anxiety", I paid them no respect, I just let them wash over me. I could not stop them coming because this was my habit to worry, but I did have control over my reaction to them, in time with this attitude these thoughts came less and less and started to hold less force. This was because I got out of the cycle of worry, changed a habit by just letting it be there, basically you are worrying because you are worrying at the moment, just for one day let these thoughts be there don't try and stop them coming, no matter what force they come with, just let come and then let them go and you may find your days become easier.

Take care



25-05-06, 14:19
Thanks, Paul. I tried journaling on the computer and writing it out by hand to tell myself that I am not the only one responsible, and four other people approved the materials, and to stop worrying and ... here I am, up early, still wondering if I should run to the print shop ... I don't really think the whole fundraising project will go down in flames if ... well, here I am getting knots in my stomach again. My husband has been supportive but he can't really help me by just saying don't worry. There is nothing I can do, is *that* why I am worrying myself sick? Do I wait until there is nothing I can do just SO I can worry?

25-05-06, 14:22
My doctor said to try this when you start worrying to much:

1. recognize you are obsessing about something.
2. Congratulate yourself for recognizing you are obsessing.
3. Imagine a HUGE Stop sign.
4. Say stop to yourself.
5. Start making a list of other things you would rather think about (like the beach, your pet).
6. Start imagining something on your list when you find your mind racing.

He just told me this yesterday, so I don't know if it works. I Hope it helps you.


25-05-06, 14:38
Thanks, Kelly.
I'll try imagining the giant Stop sign. I've got to do something, I can't go on this way.

25-05-06, 14:46
Your welcome..and I really know how you feel.