View Full Version : Pelvic ache help please

31-10-11, 07:48
So back in April I had this pelvic ache on my left side, it was constant and tho not real painful it was annoying, it radiated to my lower back and leg.
I had a scan down there of everything and it was all clear.

I have since then had occasional pelvic aches but now this month I have had it back since last Wednesday around the time I ovulated. Again it's the same side and type of ache that I had in April. It's constant and although eases at times it is always there. I know the doctors won't do nothing as they have already investigated in April, no cause was found.

Course I am panicking about the big C and trying not to get myself into a state like I normally do, I am trying to think rational and relate it to other stuff.

I also have adhesions, scar tissue down there but surely this would not play up intermittently and I am not ovaluting now so it can't be that?! Tho back in April it did last till I came on my period..... I think

Anyway the anxieties are making me feel worse so reassurance or experience will be great

31-10-11, 08:14
I would say if you had it investigated in April and the pain is still the same and in the same place then I wouldnt worry too much about it.

If it was cancer then the docs wouldve picked it up in April. I understand your anxiety believe me I worry over the silliest things ever but one thing I do know is that you need to have faith in your gp or other doctors because they usually know what they are doing.

Maybe you could mention it to your gp next time you see him/her and they will probably reassure you and maybe you can suggest having another scan but if they dont think you need it then please honey I wouldnt worry because they are probably right it could be pain due to your periods or something like that. I know if I have ongoing pain I always just mention it quickly everytime I visit my gp just to let her know that I still have it and she usually makes judgement on that.

However if the pain gradually gets worse over the year when you menstruate then I would mention to your gp the possibility of endometriosis, which is not life threatening at all its just a painful condition women suffer with due to their menstrual cycle.

Dont worry too much about it honey, I understand the anxiety but if you feel you have a good gp that you trust with your heart then I would take their word for it :)

31-10-11, 08:24
I got Sharp pains so bad on a weekend that I went to ER but it was also my right side, met a friend there with the same pain!any ways my own doc sent me for a scan which showed nothing so was told it could be ovulation pain.
If the pain there a lot , it may be a internal hernia which is harmless but tends To be hard to pick up on an ultra sound due to lying down .
But usually you would be able to feel a lil lump and things like working out and. Moving would trigger off the pain.

How bad would you describ the pain?
The scan would show up anything serious.
I assume you had a smear test and a full STD test.

31-10-11, 08:32
I had a std check, an internal examination and a full gynae scan. My smear is not due till next march and they would not do it any earlier I had one early when I was 22 and I shouldn't have had it till I was 25. It's not so much of a pain more an ache that's dull it don't stop me from doing things.

I had a laporoscopy in 2007 and they ruled out endometriosis but did find adhesions and could not remove them all.

I get really heavy periods tho not due on for 9 days and this ache started last week during ovalation I think

---------- Post added at 08:32 ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 ----------

Back in April I saw a doctor, a gynaecologist and paid to go private to have my scan done by a specialist

31-10-11, 08:36
yeah I believe its to do with your periods. I dont think its serious though and its good that they ruled out endometriosis.

I wouldnt worry about it too much I would take some pain killers or even ponstan which are specific for period pain.

Another option is probably to go on the contraceptive pill if you arent already on that. That will help lessen the pain so its not so bad.

I get aches and pains in my lower back and pelvic area all the time and worse in my period times and I'm going to go and get tested for endometriosis. Its a pain I know but I would still mention it to your gp when you see them next.

31-10-11, 09:12
Was wondering of it could be pms? I am due on in 9 days and it does feel a bit like period pain I also have a tender boob????