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View Full Version : panic attacks ruining my motivation to do things- please answer!!

31-10-11, 08:00
How can i get my motivation back?! I'm trying to go to college but half of doesn't want to go and the other half does.

The lazy side is winning and i don't want it to =( I can't get motivated it's so hard.

I am only 17 and I might just leave college this year and go next september instead and in the meantime try and get better. Do you think this is wise or not ?



31-10-11, 08:19
It is really really hard to advice you.

I am 33 years older than you with a responsible and challenging job, but suffer exactly the same problems that you do, and it causes me real difficulties in half doing things and thereby getting stuff wrong.

All I can suggest as working for me is start with little steps and little tasks - you get somthing done you really thought you couldn't face or manage and think "hey I am capable of this" and move on to bigger and better.

I am not trying to make this sound easy because I struggle with stuff I know I should do, then I get it done after much putting off and think "that was easy why did I make a big deal of it and beat myself up, cause anxiety over it etc etc."

A very old friend of mine (even older than me) has an expression he uses in difficult circumstances, which I shall paraphrase given your tender years. He repeats to himself "JFDI" which stands for "Just BLEEP Do It" and I sometimes find this helpful.

On the deferring college thing, that is tough. You have nothing to lose by deferring for a year you are so young and have so much time in front of you. If you can find something to do with the year that would fulfill you, that you would ENJOY, that would keep you actively doing things and thus building your confidence and motivation I think it would be a fine year. If you just spent a year brooding, worrying and introverting more, it could be hugely negative.

Hope all this waffle has something of help it it and good luck with whatever you decide.

31-10-11, 08:27
Unless you get therapy and work very very hard then the anxiety won't improve on it's own. I know how fast situations can change and how my anxiety level changes with it.

My anxiety has been up and down my whole life, the only thing that ever helped was talk therapy and CBT :)

31-10-11, 08:29
hey, r u taking any meds or anything to help with ur anxiety and panic attacks? xx

31-10-11, 09:10
I can take propranolol and i have just started seeing a hypnotherapist - I also see a psychologist but thats once every few months because she never has room to see me. I am only 17 so i cant take anything stronger than a beta blocker and my GP won't give me anything stronger because she doesn't think it'll work.

Ive just lost my motivation to do things i want to do and its hard =/

ive got no gcses and college let me in on my predicted grades so i dunno if theyd let me start next year and have this year to get better

does it matter if i dont do college now?

31-10-11, 20:29
Hi, I am in my 40's and also at college, most days I do not want to go, but I just try and remember that I am going to get something at the end. It's not easy but it is getting easier a bit at a time. Try to get some relaxation cd's from your local library, they are normally free.