View Full Version : Struggling at the moment :-(

31-10-11, 08:41
I'm really struggling at the moment, im soo irritable and feel angry all the time and just generally unhappy :-(

31-10-11, 08:44
I'm really struggling at the moment, im soo irritable and feel angry all the time and just generally unhappy :-(

It's Monday morning so it could be argued these are natural and well balanceed emotions :whistles:

Seriously hope things improve.

31-10-11, 08:46
I've 9 days off work and so far my time off is looking stressful :-(

31-10-11, 08:47
I've 9 days off work and so far my time off is looking stressful :-(

Apologies - strike thorugh my previous comment.

Can you go out and do something nice, or not up to that?

31-10-11, 09:19
I've not even switched the tv on today. Everything seems wrong :-(

---------- Post added at 09:19 ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 ----------

I've pain going through side of my head into my ear :-(

31-10-11, 11:46
Chin up hun! Just relax and take it easy :) xx

Vanilla Sky
31-10-11, 12:11
Hey H , get the tv on , get music on , whatever , Sing , dance anything , just get ya butt moving :D . You will feel better xxxxx

31-10-11, 13:06
I could really do with a break from this stress. I've been ill now for about a month I'm no better. The doctors a useless idiot, I give up x

31-10-11, 21:34
From now on I wont be nice cos people treat me soo wrong. I'm far to kind I need to stop being soo kind x

01-11-11, 23:11
I can relate to feeling like this. I feel my world is so empty at the moment and my stress levels are the highest they have ever been. I get scared just thinking about simple things. I feel paranoid, I really think bad things are going to happen to me and constantly questioning and challenging everything I do. I feel that I am going crazy. Today I feel so sick, I feel that someone is sitting on my chest and I can't breath. With tingling and sching down my right arm. But the worst is my headaches they are unbearable. It feels like my head is going to explode with tingling and numbness in my face. and when they get really bad my anxiety gets worse. As I start worrying.is this normal and does this relate to anyone else Help!!!!

01-11-11, 23:56
Jackie have you been to the Doctor? I had my first attack last Wednesday and it got worse every day, went Monday and got my Meds and booked in for councelling, You should get that headache checked out, its not fun, i'm suffering with insomnia too, because i'm so tired my headache gets worse and i find my muscles twitch more too,everyone keeps telling me it will be ok in the end so I can only give you the same info :weep:
Chin up

02-11-11, 10:30
I am sitting here crying because I feel os bad, I have a doctors app tomorow and fell so scared about going, about actually going to the doctors, how stupid is that

02-11-11, 10:59
Its not stupid at all, I went on Monday, my Mum took me and I started having an attack in the car because I was so worried about the Doctors, My Doctor was very good, be open with them, he gave me Floxetine and Propranolol tablets, booked me in for counselling and sent me to the Hospital for my bloods done, felt relieved that they were helping me.

A good tip, take something to occupy your mind in the waiting room to keep calm,a magazine or book? I read Twitter on my phone and played Solitaire,

02-11-11, 11:22
thanks I know I be ok when i get to doctors, it's just the actual process of going, i don't have anyone to come with me,

02-11-11, 12:50
It will be ok, Like I said, take something with you to keep you busy and it will really help

02-11-11, 19:10
thanks I know I be ok when i get to doctors, it's just the actual process of going, i don't have anyone to come with me, I went to the doctors just yesterday for more migraine pills, i do most things alone and have no one to ask to come along, i sit there munching tic tacs .. silly thing but it keeps my mind occupied because i am enjoying them :D