View Full Version : AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

25-05-06, 11:40
hello all,

Has been a long time I know. I should have known that how good I've been doing and how much fun I've been having was too good to be true. About 7 weeks ago, I started having bad tummy pains, especially after eating but didn't think anything of it. My period was late and when it came, it wasn't a normal one (sorry!). This month, my period is 11 days late and I have been freaking out. Did 4 pregnancy tests at home and all negative. Finally went to gynocologist yesterday morning without an appointment and stood there crying till they agreed to see me...it's all so much more stressful when everything's in German, trust me! She did so many tests and I was SO scared -2 blood tests, an ultrasound,a pregnancy test, urine tests and 2 smears. My gosh I was so terrified I was shaking. I have had a bad fever for the last couple days as well. She concluded that I have had a urine infection for the past 6 weeks or so, which has now spread to the kidneys, hence the fever. However, she also said that this is no reason for my period being late so I have to call tomorrow for the blood test results. I am so petrified - I mean, what if they missed the fact that I'm pregnant? Can 5 pregnancy tests and an ultrasound be wrong? When she did the ultrasound,she said that it looked like I should be getting my period anytime but nothing...it keeps feeling like I will but nothing happens. My tummy area is killing cos of the infection and the anti-biotics I'm taking make me feel weird and spaced-out...

So sorry if this is too much info - am sure it was!

Any thoughts or advice? Sorry, I have no one I can really turn to. You guys are the only people I can admit that I'm this scared to...

Sarah xx

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

25-05-06, 11:54
Eek it sounds like a very stressful time!

Remember that stress can cause your periods too be late and maybe mean you skip one all together, I'm surprised she didnt mention anything asbout that!

I hope everything works out ok for you hun! sorry if this wasn't much help xx

25-05-06, 13:14
I'm a sure you will feel much better soon hun once the antibiotics kick in.

Given that you have done loads of tests on the pregnancy front and they were negative it doesn't look that likely but obviously you have to wait for this final result to be absolutely sure.

Meanwhile look after yourself and I hope you feel better very soon.

Love Piglet x

25-05-06, 13:27

My periods stopped last year for over 4 months. I know I am that much older than you but the doctor said it was perfectly normal for them to stop for that long then start again and that is what they did!

There was no reason for it all to be honest.

Hope you feel better soon mate.


25-05-06, 14:13
Hey Sarah -
Kidney infections suck horrible. I am sorry to hear that you are going thru a rough patch but the antibiotics will kick in soon and you'll be right as rain again :)
I found a page when I was having some female troubles myself that really helped to reassure me so here's the link...

oh and make sure you drink some Cranberry juice - that is supposed to really help :)

25-05-06, 14:42
Hi Sarah, Good to hear from you, sorry things are horrid though. As has been said, once the antis kick in things will settle, you are putting on a brave face and doing just great, things will be fine, you are a tough old cookie mate. chin-up. lots of love, speak soon xxxjean(sorry no advice as usual)

25-05-06, 14:53
Thanks so much guys - you have really helped!! I'm just hoping that there is no bad news when I call the doctor tomorrow for my blood test results!!

Eeyore - thanks for the link mate! It really reassured me when I saw that one of the causes of missed or late periods is urinal irregularities! That would make sense seeing that's what I have, huh? :)

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

25-05-06, 16:10
The first few months after I started having PA's was a really scary time and I missed a period completely. Scared the hell out of me! Don't worry- stress does funny things!! xxx

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

25-05-06, 17:39
Hi Sarah,

Missing a period is quite common when you're stressed or run down.

I would take the docs word for it that you are NOT pregnant. I had a scan at about 4 weeks pregnant with my last child due to a threatened miscarriage and you could quite CLEARLY see the foetus.

I'm sure you'll be fine mate

Shiv x

25-05-06, 17:45
Thanks Julia :)

Shiv - you have no idea how reassuring what you said was - thanks mate!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

25-05-06, 18:39
Hi Sarah, hope you feeling bit better now, especially after all these reassurring words, will catch you soon on msn, xxxx

25-05-06, 19:59
Aw hunni. Am so sorry to hear that. Hope you are ok. We are all here for you. Try and stay calm. Let us know the results of the blood tests.

x x

26-05-06, 10:12
Just called about blood test results and turns out they won't be ready till Monday evening now...:( Think I'll have gone crazy by then...

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

01-06-06, 14:43
Panic averted, panic averted!!!!! All is OK!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D[^]:D[:P]:D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

01-06-06, 15:42
Thank goodness Sarah.xx

01-06-06, 18:29
:D:D:D GOOD GIRL! :D:D:D xxjean

01-06-06, 18:41
Hi Sarah,

Just caught up with this thread and glad to hear that it has a happy ending.

Take Care and now try and relax,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

02-06-06, 13:43

Love Piglet x