View Full Version : Cervical cancer fear goin crazy please please help

31-10-11, 10:55
So I posted here this morning about pelvic pain/ache. I had it back in April and had an internal examination, std tests and ultrasound and all was clear. They would not do a smear as mine is not due till next year, even considering my symptoms neither the doctor or gynae would do it.

Anyway since April I have been ok in respects to the pelvic pain, just the odd discomfort now and then. But this month since last week around the time I ovalated it is back quite bad. It is constant like a dull ache that goes into my back and leg. It's on the left side quie low down, it almost feels like period pain.

I did the bad thing and googled and it came up cervical cancer..... Now I am scared. I know the doctors will not do a smear till I am due next year, I don't think they will do much as they investigated this back in April and found nothing.

Do you think it could be cervical cancer???? My last smear was 2009, I am 26.

I am trying to tell myself it could be pms??? As I have a sore boob too tho am not due on for 9 days.

Please help

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I am 25 not 26 going mad with this anxiousness

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The ache is also in my groin like it feels like I need to stretch but it don't help

31-10-11, 12:11
I honestly think that you have nothing to worry about. Your last smear would have shown up changes at if there were anything to worry about. Cervical cancer is a very slow developer and as long as you attend your routine smears and act on any follow-up appointments, the chances of anything untoward happening are slim.

It takes ten years from the first grading of cell changes for any changes to develop into full-blown cancer. You had no changes in your last smear so nothing to worry about.

Your pelvic pain could be down to pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroids, ovulation... You have nothing to worry about.

31-10-11, 12:34
Thank you for your reply

Do you think it could be pms, I suffer heavy periods and always have the pelvic ache this month started around ovulation last week and am due on in 9 days

31-10-11, 12:47
It could be ovulation pains definitely. My workmate has them often and every three months or so it gets so bad that she has to go home!

Remember, your pelvic area is a busy area; ovulation, periods, hormones, general womanly aches and pains... no wonder we feel tender down there sometimes! I know how you feel as I have convinced myself that I have ovarian cancer this week (even though I have only two very tenuous symptoms that could be linked to anything!) But when you look at it logically, there are so many other things that it could be.

Could be fibroids, too. They cause pelvic aches and pains. Look up fibroids (but NOTHING else!) My aunt gets them and gets similar symptoms to you. She's had them years and just puts up with it. I really think that CC is nothing you need to worry about. :)

01-11-11, 13:57
I highly doubt it is cervical cancer. 8 years ago when I had my first smear, it came back abnormal. Then 3 years ago when I had my daughter, I had another one that came back abnormal. They said it was hpv and it had caused changes on my cervix. I was supposed to get a colposcopy but didn't go back. So last year when I had my son and still had the abnormal pap- I had the colposcopy. They took a couple of biopsies because they said theory found "nodules". I PANICKED. I called nearly every day after that, crying, begging them to hurry and give me the results. They expedited the results because I was a WRECK. It turned out that it was only at stage CIN1-2. Not cancer, not even close. That was a year ago. They wanted to do the LEEP procedure just to be on the safe side and I am just now going back. I see my Dr in a couple of weeks and she will refer me to get it done. So you see, it took 8 years for mine to even get to minor cell changes. This is usually a very slow progressing process. If you had a pap last year, I suspect you are fine.

01-11-11, 15:08
It was 2009 I had it 3 years ago next year :-/