View Full Version : Flu jab and reactions

31-10-11, 11:26
Hi all,

I don't know if anyone else can identify but I seem to be in a cycle of illness that despite my best efforts I cannot get away from. I'm posting from bed!

Had the flu jab on Tuesday an within 24 hours had a fever and felt nauseous. Every bone in my body ached plus bad headache. I fought
My anxiety reasonably well and started to get better on Saturday. Then last night the symptoms came back. Doc says its a virus and coincidence. I don't.

I've had numerous reactions of late too things such as ct scan dye, ibuprofen, antidepressants (ssri) and alcohol ( one drink!). Never had this before.

I have had sooo much time off work they must think I'm a joke! I've really had enough of this, I try so hard to be happy and not let it get to me but it's just impossible at the moment!!!

Any tips welcome!

31-10-11, 12:05
hi, a few weeks ago i had a bad cycle of being ill constantly!! i just started taking citalopram so was dealing with the awful side effects of them when i got a kidney infection which i nearly had to be hospitalised for :weep: after 2 courses of antibiotics it still hadn't cleared up so had to have more and then i got an ear infection aswel, my doc said cause i was so low i was just picking everything up, i honestly felt truely awful so i know exactly how ur feeling!! i usually have the flu jab every yr but i daren't this yr just incase i get a reaction from it this time! hope u feel better soon xx

31-10-11, 13:10
That sounds awful too. I hope your feeling better, the sides from SSRIs can be awful, i gave up in the end.

Think my problem is that i just dont know whats causing this, which of course leads me to mr google and that as we all know gets me nowhere, yet still i persist in the hope of answers!

31-10-11, 14:05
my husbands banned me from google!!! lol xx

31-10-11, 14:50
Most people have flu jabs and they are perfectly fine but a small percentage are not and when I worked at a Drs I got the chance to read the leaflet the Drs get but not the patients!!

The most likely explanation is that you do not get flu from the jab you can't as its an inactive virus unlike the measles vaccine etc but your immune system has to handle the vaccine and this can just affect it enough for you to either pick up another virus or you could be silently fighting a virus before the jab and it then appears after it. You will never get a Dr to agree. Remember they need a certain percentage of take up for vaccines before they get paid!

My 88yr oldmother in law has flu jab every year and is fine with them but her brother had to give up on them as he would be so ill every single time for ages afterwards with one virus after another all winter. Even his Dr eventuall agreed it was not coincidence.

HOpefully you will get over this virus and then be okay for rest of winter but you need to decide if you want to repeat the jab next year.

31-10-11, 20:56
Your body's immune system will be affected when you have any kind of vaccination. So you are more likely to have a cold for example. Just drink lots of liquids (not alcohol!) and rest so your body recovers.

31-10-11, 21:10
Ive had the flu jab for the last 3 years and the first one i had caused my lymph glands to swell and they didnt go down for months-so the body is trying to deal with it. It could be that you are generally run down and probably feel like you ll never be well !! Look after yourself and eat well you ll be fine soon xx

31-10-11, 22:10
I've been getting the flu jag for many years and never had anything other than a wee bit of a sore arm. I had mine last Thurs and felt a bit tired and "seedy" and had a bit of sore throat for a few days afterwards this year.

Nothing terrible and it could of just been coincidence I suppose?

01-11-11, 12:48
Thank you all for your replies, it's so nice to have support here on this board. Hugs all round :)

Not feeling much better at the moment but resting as much as possible. Have appt at my gastro doc tomorrow so will at least mention this. Am being investigated for other symptoms so it may be that there is something going on that has contributed to my immune system finding the vaccine harder to handle..

Will report back!

Thanks again