View Full Version : Have I let myself down

31-10-11, 12:05
Hello, Well as from next week I am starting Sertraline ( just waitting on my local mental health team to contact my doctor )

But I feel that I have let myself down and my family as have been tryin to stay away from prescription antidepressants and using Saint Johns Wort(have felt good for weeks) but yesterday I had a major panic attack and still feel bad after a day, so have decided to take the health team up on the offer of help.

I still think SJW has been a god send but think i need that little extra.

I know everyone reacts in differants way to antidepressants.

But do you think I am doing the right thing or am i taking the wrong route out of this anxiety/panic disorder life I am living

And what can i expect from Sertraline

02-11-11, 00:06
You have the support of the Mental Health Team and your doctor, so you must be suffering quite a bit at present. There are two ways of looking at taking meds:

1. Short term help whilst you investigate the source of your problems
2. Long term because you have a chemical imbalance that disturbs your mental health.

I have to take long term meds, but I look at it as if I were a diabetic taking insulin.

Sertraline is an SSRI. There is a section under medications about them. Side effects can (but may not) include nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, and sexual side effects; however your mind and thoughts should stay clear.
Have you checked with your doctor that you can continue to take St John's Wort with the Setraline? It does not mix with many drugs.

Whichever choice you make, you've not let yourself down. You are trying to find the fastest most effective way through this for you