View Full Version : Panic attacks/anxiety after coming off long term diazepam use.

31-10-11, 12:17
Hi it's been 8 months now since I had my last once a day 2mgs of diazepam which I reduced slowly . I frequently have sudden panic attacks now usually at night time before I go to bed and when I do manage to get myself into bed instead of walking about agitated and sometimes crying , I have to leave a light on . This is ridiculous and I know it but somehow it seems to help me get off to sleep . It's almost like being a scared child again , if ever I was a scared child that is .
I've had lots of traumas in my life not least losing my adult son some teen years ago .
I wondered if there was anyone in here who had come off long term tranquillizer use with similar withdrawal symptoms.

31-10-11, 12:19
Hi Casmana

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

31-10-11, 14:29
Thanks very much for the welcome.:)