View Full Version : Scared of having an STD im only 17...

31-10-11, 12:35
Okay so my girlfriend visited this weekend and it was great but the thing is we had unprotected sex...yes I know dumb but we did like 6-7 times.. anyways it's getting cold outside and out heating isnt turned on yet so im thinking maybe I just have a cold? but we had sex on friday and the next day we had sex at 6am...and later in the day I started vomiting for some reason felt bad but I did take celltech hardcore supplement for weight training and the company has be sued 4 times for putting in steroids.

This weekend she had some allergies bugging her and coughed in my face (not meaning too) sometimes so im thinking she might be sick, she took allergy pills and birth control while she was here.

Today she left back home and I feel sick again..like in the stomach I don't know whats going on I on't think HIV or something would make me feel abit "off" so soon ive been looking online and EVERYONE says it takes about 3 months for a 99.9% test or something like that, she told me she's 100% clean and I believe her and she even agreed to go to the doctors with me and both get tested to put me at ease, we both have health anxiety and worry buy she's not worrying but I am and she said it could be me worrying too much thats making me feel sick or that I miss her alot after she left. Also this morning a had diarrea but I did eat more vegetables than normal for dinners this weekend..

I am a male and felt sick after unprotected sex about 1-2 days later, anything would be comporting im just in a bad place right now.

31-10-11, 12:43
i'm pretty sure it's not an std but you guys can go and get tested before you do it again. you'll be fine.

31-10-11, 12:54
Thanks for the post danivsdani, hearing from others realy makes it alot more comforting even though I was stupid for letting our hormones take the lead like that instead of my brain..I believe her to the fullest about her health and past relationships she even agreed to have sex with a condom and spermicide to reduce the worry for me even more, she makes me really happy that shes trying to make me feel better even with the worrying.

31-10-11, 12:59
I would be astonished ASTONISHED if any symptons presented after 2 or 3 days. In fact it would be a medical miracle.

Plus your girldfriend has told you that you have nothing to worry about. Aside from the fact you trust her, surely if she also has health anxiety surely if she knew there was anything to worry about she would be through the roof in terms of her own anxiety.

So put your mind at rest and be more careful next time.

31-10-11, 13:03
See if she's nice enough to do things so that you don't worry then you can trust that she's telling you the truth about her history. Even still most stds are at least treatable. So I wouldn't worry too much.

31-10-11, 13:11
Im starting to feel alot better now and my stomach isnt feeling as bad as i get calmer, thank you for commenting this site really does help me :) I didnt ...inside her but she said if she thinks she's pregnant she'll let me know right away and to make a des together on what to do.

31-10-11, 17:25
I would be astonished ASTONISHED if any symptons presented after 2 or 3 days. In fact it would be a medical miracle.

Plus your girldfriend has told you that you have nothing to worry about. Aside from the fact you trust her, surely if she also has health anxiety surely if she knew there was anything to worry about she would be through the roof in terms of her own anxiety.

So put your mind at rest and be more careful next time.

I totally agree...I think it's probably a stomach bug or something along that line...

Just to have your mind at ease..do what I did..both my bf and I got tested for stds/HIV in the beginning of our relationship..we showed each other the results. Trust me it's a good feeling knowing we are both clean in those aspects..

But sticking to the original topic...I don't think your symptoms are std related..