View Full Version : lower body pain and lots of urine

31-10-11, 15:15
When I first started my period I was feeling this intense pain in my lower body and I can't really pinpoint where it's at. I had the urge to urinate over and over and when I did urinate it was a lot unlike a UTI and the pain I get with UTIs is more of a burning more towards the outside not an ache deep down somewhere. I was so worried pretty much ready to pass out but I started my period the next day and I thought phew it was just my period. It's all back again only this time my period is almost over so I can't imagine it being my period. I was just emptying my bowels when I started emptying my bladder over and over again and it was A LOT unlike the UTIs. I immediately panicked. I keep having to go back and actually urinate it's not the fakeouts like it tends to be with UTIs. I'm so scared and I'm so sick of this I was doing just fine about half an hour ago and then these random symptoms popped up. My period has never been this way before I usually get a sharp pain near my ovaries right before I start and then it's smooth sailing from there. Could my period just be changing on me? ;/ I hate this.

---------- Post added at 11:15 ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 ----------

anddd I've just read it's probably uterine fibroids and they'll have to remove my uterus and I won't be able to have children :(

01-11-11, 23:53
Googling does not help at all :lac:

It sounds like you have another infection. A course of antibiotics will probably clear it up in days. I think you should see your doc for a urine test.

02-11-11, 04:13
Have you been to your gp about it?
I have a painful bladder during my menstrual cycle too, as my bladder is usually a little sore but worse during that time.
My menstrual cycle pain gets worse everytime and my gp put me on the pill but the pain is still there so she has referred me to get tests done for endometriosis.

First you need a urine dipstick test from your gp to rule out any infection if that does it then maybe further investigation into the endometriosis would be required.

Mention it to your gp anyway because they may even put you on the contraceptive pill first to see if that helps.

I hope you do get it sorted and take care.

04-11-11, 22:58
I've just now seen these replies. Thanks for replying. Googling was an awful mistake but I did later read on another site that there are more treatments for uterine fibroids than just taking your uterus out and most women have these and don't do anything about them. Just proof that the things you read on some sites can be faulty. I've been doing relatively well with the google thing I'm so mad at myself for googling >.< it has been a few days now and I've been fine since then. These are the first few replies I've ever gotten on this site. I really appreciate it! ;)

04-11-11, 23:32
my mom had uterine fibroids and had three kids! so even if it was that, it probably isn't even a big deal