View Full Version : Worried about work after day off ill

31-10-11, 16:19

I went into work today, went really pale, sick and dizzy and was sent home. Having had a long sleep I feel better, and now the panic is setting in about going in tomorrow... This is the 4th day iv been ill in a year and four months and I'm worried what people must think of me...

Urgg I'm so nervous about it now it's making me feel ill again... Not to mention I really don't know what the hell was wrong today :(

31-10-11, 16:24
Stuff work, you are much more important and who cares what they think. I've been off for 2 and half weeks, hopefully going back tomorrow, I'm very worried also but have to keep telling myself that its not my fault I am like this and I can't control it. If I had asthma or a broken leg people would be sympathetic so it should be no different!

Does anyone you work with know you are struggling, maybe you should confide in someone?

01-11-11, 00:06
Talk to a line manager or your HR. They will at least know you are temporarily feeling unwell (don't have to talk about anxiety etc. - just say I am feeling a bit unwell these days and will feel better soon).

And then just relax, your work is what you CAN do and you are expected to do only things that you can be great at. So just relax, plan your day, and just go step by step. Have some nice coffee breaks too! :D

02-11-11, 19:50
I have taken so much time off i have ran out of sick pay lol..it isnt funny but i laugh anyway, what else can i do?

02-11-11, 19:54
im the same!! ive just been signed off for 2 weeks and im worried about going back and what people will think i know i shouldnt!

02-11-11, 20:09
I've been in my contracting job for nearly 9 months now and i've had to take about 4 weeks all in all off with anxiety! It's loads of time and i too feel guilty and bad about it- but I had a chat with my HR manager last week and she said:
"the quality of your work is great, we trust you, you always perform to your best, you never mess us around.. so if you're ill, you're ill- don't worry, we can cope, and we just want you to be properly better so you can continue to do great work for us"
so.. most organisations DO understand, they are human and if you think that what.. 1 in 4/5 people suffer from a mental heath issue then there are bound to be people you work with that are in the same position as you. Take the time you need to recover and ask your boss/HR to put into place anything that can help you get through the day and work (mine is i can take a paid break anytime i need if i feel panicky- half an hour to sit in my car sometimes helps, and just telling my boss how i feel day to day so he knows if i'm having a panicky day or not)

Good luck!