View Full Version : Help and Advice needed. Health Anxiety after surgery went wrong

31-10-11, 21:04
The past 8 weeks have been hell for me.I went to hospital for a laparoscopy(key hole day surgery)on my womb to diagnose and treat endometeriosis. When i came around, i woke up to excruciating pain throughout my abdomen. My BP was low and pulse high and i wasnt responding well. I could see from the Nurses faces and then the surgeon's that something was wrong.

I was whisked off to the local Main Hospital, where, surrounded by lots of doctos, nurses etc, i was told they thought i was bleeding heavily internally and that emergency surgery was necessary. One doctor told me that depending on how much blood i lost, there was a chance i might not make it. I was sure i was going to die, so i asked my boyfriend, Kev, to pass me my phone. I rang my house phone and left a goodbye message to my little girl (18months).

I woke up in Intensive Care 4hours later. It turned out that the surgeon who'd performed the keyhole surgery, had torn my spleen, and i had lost a lot of blood.

I was in intensive care for 3days, then a ward for the next 2weeks.

When I came home the 1st time, i was mess. I would pace around upstairs, I couldnt hold a conversation, couldnt bear noise, couldnt sleep, kept shaking etc etc. Then one day after waking up with a tight chest and feeling dizzy, my boyfriend rang for an ambulance. I was re-admitted, and had a CT scan which showed everything was ok. They called in the mental health team, and they diagnosed me with PTSD and Health Anxiety, and put me on 1g Lorazepam during the day, 10mg diazepam at night, and Escitalopram.

Since then, i have been a mess. Im off the Tamazepam, but the Dr put me on Trazadone to help me sleep ( i took myself off that because it was horrible). I dont have Lorazepam unless i really need it. I also have Propranolol (10mg-30mg a day) to decrease my pulse rate, but i have lowish BP (typically 110/68 or less) and this makes me MORE anxious.

I feel like a bad mum. I cant pick up my little girl due to my surgery and she has to go to her Nana's in the mornings because i am too groggy in the mornings.

I have been to A+E so many times since. They are very good with me, but i get obsessed with 'numbers' (BP, PULSE, TEMPERATURE, HAEMOGLOBIN etc) that i almost demand constant checks. It's like i dont trust anyone anymore, like i have to look out for myself. It's almost primitive - like i feel im having to fight to survive, and it's hell. Everyday i start by being sick, diarrhea, shaking, pulse of 100 and dizzinesss, and i hate it.

Any help/support would be gratefully received :)

Charlotte x

31-10-11, 21:05
Hi chl_hobbs

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

31-10-11, 21:10
Hi and welcome, crikey it sounds like you've had an awful time :hugs: and im not surprised that your feeling the way u r, how long have u been on the Escitalopram as these can take a while to kick in and make u feel 100 times worse b4 u get any better? xx

31-10-11, 21:14
Ive been on Escitalopram for about 4weeks now, starting on 10mg and now 20mg. Im not sure if it's helping or not. I used to take Citalopram before all ofthis happened (20mg) but for some reason they just put me straight on to Escitalopram after this anxiety started?


31-10-11, 21:24
Im taking citalopram and im only just noticing a difference now and it will have been 7 weeks tomo that i started it!! think there pretty much the same drug, the cit made me awful to start with, heightened anxiety, restless, nausea, insomnia, infact i really dont know how i stuck it!! most of these have passed now apart from retching every morning when i get up which is driving me mad! its so hard when u have kids, my sons nearly 11 and im trying to hide all of this from him so as not to worry him but its a bit difficult when ive got my head down the loo or in the sink bawking in the mornings!! im also on sleeping tabs and take diazepam when i need too, even tho im married i moved into my parents house with my son for 2 weeks when i was really bad at the start as my hubby works nights and i needed help and support in looking after him.............things will get better i promise, pm anytime u want to chat xx

31-10-11, 21:37
Hi. Sounds exactly like my story except it was c section that went very wrong. But i am also obsessed with numbers. Kept thinking i was going to bleed again. Wanted my bloods done constantly. It has improved but i have been left with health anxiety and a fear of ever having surgery again. I really do know how you feel. Scared i will leave my children but feel a rubbish mom. I have an 18 month a nd 5 year old x