View Full Version : I've fought i've won, almost...

31-10-11, 21:06
Hi I'm Chris I'm 18 from the uk.

I've suffered from server panic disorder from a very young age (about 7-8) and right up through my teen years. Been through all the motions felt just about everything i think there is to feel from panic attacks (some of which I have never actually seen described as symptoms). However i am panic free on a day to day basis now and have been since the age of about 15 and know i will be fine for the rest of my life, however the underlying problem is still there. I can induce panic attacks immediately at any time just by thinking about them, it generally triggers the beginning of hyperventilation or this weird head spinning sensation i get leading into whatever if i let it, however i can just stop it when i want to. Its just annoying more than anything, it doesn't get me down or anything, but i know that the fact its there means i still have some irrational fear of it whether that fear is conscious or sub conscious. Iv been drifting in and out of one beginning just because I'm writing about it now but i know it wont lead to anything because i can simply stop it by dispelling the thoughts.

The only time it causes me actual problems is with exams, i feel totally checkmated. I have never sat an exam and been totally panic attack free. In my mind it is the worst situation to be in and have a panic attack (so therefore i do due to the nature of them) as you cannot get out cant do or say anything, if you leave you look like an idiot and you fail your test. So i end up sitting there coping just about and trying to deal with everything that I'm experiencing in my body, not the best mindset to be in when trying to do an A-level maths test. SO I've come here because i want to go to uni next year and I know I need to get this final problem sorted before that happens.

I'm looking for advise on how to find a private CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapist) that specializes in panic disorders, i don't mind paying, if it works it should be the best investment of my life. I'm ready to get this thing sorted once and for all! I also want to help and/or give advise to anyone who wants it, ill share my experiences and what I've done to help myself. I've been there, lowest of the low and now I'm virtually fine, just a normal guy really... just the damn test thing arrrgh

31-10-11, 21:08
Hi Chris-18

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
01-11-11, 10:04
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x

03-11-11, 14:29
Hi Chris,

I don't know if this will help, but I contacted Mind (if you google them), they are a mental health charity, and are sending me a list of CBT practitioners in my area.

03-11-11, 23:31
Hi Chris,

Are you open to trying medication? If so, i believe propranolol (a beta blocker) is a great one for exam situations and supposedly has little side effects and is not addictive.. May be worth looking into until you have your CBT sessions?

I have recently been prescribed this and have found no side effects so far.. although i have only been taking it for 3 days.. so this could change.

Jane x