View Full Version : Reality check on headaches required!!

31-10-11, 21:37
Hi there, having just accepted my chest pains are not linked to a heart attack I have now started getting a terrible headache! The back of my head feels like a pressure cooker, my scalp feels tingly and I feel slightly spaced out. The pressure is horrible so of course I have convinced myself it is a brain tumor. Please help, has anyone else experienced this with anxiety?


31-10-11, 21:46
hey Ive had the same exact headache as what you described for like 5 or 6 years now on and off of course.

Its like really sensitive when you touch the top of your head aye?

How is your eye sight? have you had them checked out? I noticed when I got glasses and contacts my headache wasnt so bad.

I got told its like a minor migraine, does your eyes get sensitive to light when you have these headaches? because mine did and my gp said it wasa minor migraine as normal pain killers didnt work but specialised migraine ones did.

Also it is a possible sinus headache and I use to sniff up the steam in boil water in a bowl which would help clear the passageway to your sinuses.

But yes I know what you mean and its great to know someone who has headaches like this because Ive been trying to explain it for years.

Also do you notice it comes on rainy and gloomy days? its like the bright light from the cloud can trigger the headache but when its sunny it doesnt affect me at all.

I hope you get is sorted and relieved because I know how much of a pain they can be.

31-10-11, 22:11
Thanks for replying! Yes sensitive scalp comes for the ride too. I have been given some Codeine by the docs to help with the pain, and it has but too strong for me i think (spacey).

I am very short sighted so wear lenses all day and have done for years so I don't think it's my eyesight. My poor kids (3 boys) must wonder why I am so miserable all the time lately and my hubby thinks I m neurotic!


31-10-11, 22:17
I am short sighted too and even though I wear glasses and contacts I still get the headaches every now and then.

I dont think its anything to worry about as I remember worrying about it when I first got them.

Codeine makes me spacey too and my reactions are slowed that stuff usually puts you to sleep.

I wouldnt worry about it but mentioning to your gp usually gives you peace of mind.

01-11-11, 21:14
Hi Rosy

Have certainly experienced going from one anxiety to another. I was also worried about my heart and have finally started to overcome it but am also being niggled at the moment by light headedness and dizziness and thinking the worst things possible- like I have a mole on my foot which I keep imagining is a cancer which has spread to my brain. Its exhausting being worried all the time but it's almost like I need something to worry about even though I hate it, if that makes any sense at all!

Hugs to you. You are not alone.