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31-10-11, 23:01
Um how do you handle a panic attack when you are on your own and away from your house?

I really suck at walking to and back from places on my own.
I think I should slow down and relax but when I panic I want to get home, hopefully before I start hyperventilating as that makes me feel faint and also my heart rate shoots up to 180 and I start getting chest pains :(

I just would like to know what works for you in such a situation when fear starts taking over!

01-11-11, 02:03
Some people carry a paper bag to breathe into if this happens.

If I'm walking down a road I find counting round windows, red doors, etc. helps. If I'm in a shop I stop to look at something - anything. I really concentrate on its shape, size, colour, the text or pictures on it......

Carrying a small object in your pocket can help too. Really concentrate on feeling it - size, surface texture, etc.

These techniques help to ground you. The other thing to do is to tell the fear to do its worst. Acknowledge it, but refuse to give in to it. When I was at my worst I used to put my back to a wall, or go in a corner so if I fainted I wouldn't hurt myself falling. I never ever did faint.

There are lots more tips in the self help section (see list on the left). Good luck :hugs:

01-11-11, 03:20
oh I have heard of that! Never remembered to actually try it.

Oh ya like a worry stone etc...

lol I do that a lot stand against a wall....

Aw thank for your reply x :)

02-11-11, 19:27
I count foot steps, count cars that pass by, fiddle with things in my pocket and a really bad one i do is pinch myself hard , the pain distracts me from my inner self obsession.