View Full Version : help i am realy afraid ofmy mind going blamk

25-05-06, 13:12
realy afraid got up this morning feeling more relaxed than normal but then my 18 yr old son stressed me out compleatly to the point were i think he had me standing on me head
well a little while after that i was haveing a conversation with my daughter and my mind went compleatly blankwell that was it my whole body went senseatized to every thing what people were saying was,nt going in my teeth cleched together my shoulder up around my eas hot and cold all at same time feel sick and the lot please tell me i am ok trish 1955

25-05-06, 13:28
Hi Trish

Promise you, you are ok. What a morning you had! No wonder you mind tried to switch off from it

I have spent many a day worrying that I am going to loose my mind but everyone here re-assured me that people who are really loosing there mind dont know it and thats true, that fact that you are saying this shows you are toally intact and in control of your mind - this just happens when we get too wound up, Try having a relaxing afternoon and it will pass

Wendy x

25-05-06, 14:43
hi trish,how did your op go??you are bound to have a reaction to all the stress built up before hand.All those feelings are so common to anxiety syndrome.You have been thru so much lately trish,it's not surprising really.try and relax into it if you can,let it wash over you.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

25-05-06, 17:20
Hi trish
Hope the op went OK. i have found that my mind goes blank lately, have real word finding problems - did start to think - going mad - but then realised it is stress and everything i have to think about - we can't be superwomen all the time and sometimes we have a lot to think about
Take care


'This too will pass'

26-05-06, 09:01
I just had to write and say that the EXACT thing happens to me sometimes. My mind goes blank, i get weird sensations around my ears and my teeth grind so hard I'm surprised they're still there. This has happened every so often for about 5 years now and I'm still here and so will you be.

Take care,

"This too, shall pass"