View Full Version : fatigue? how to deal

25-05-06, 13:23
The past week I've been feeling extremely tired and weak. I thought it's just a temporary thing that would pass, but it's still here, unfortunately. It's a very different feeling from the fatigue you get after a lot of physical work for example ... or the fatigue you get from not getting enough sleep. It's a whole different story.

So the thing is - I feel like I will fall apart, it's the worst feeling in the world. I feel both mentally and physically exhausted. For example I can't watch TV or listen to music, because it makes me feel totally drained. I feel so tired right now as I'm typing this ... I just want to go to bed. But the problem is that sleep and rest don't help at all - I feel even more tired afterwards. I bought some supplements that are supposed to help fatigue, but there's no result so far.

My biggest fear is that I will become so exhausted, that I won't be able to function at all (like to move, to talk, etc). Or that I won't have any strength left to breathe and I will just die. It's silly, I know, but the feeling is horrible.

I suppose this fatigue could happen because of an exhaustion of the nervous system right? Because all the anxiety and panic, they drain the nervous system. But does it go away? What can I do to make it go away? Please if there's anyone who has experienced this type of faigue or if you know anything about it, I would really really really appreciate your advice.

25-05-06, 14:16
Hi lotus

If its only the passed week then maybe your pushing your self to hard recently and your body is just tierd.If you still feel like this days later you should go for a checkup.
My dad felt like this after i was born and it got worse he went to many doctors in the end we changed gp and he found me dad had a condition called M.E It has a full medical name but i dont knoe it.Anyway he quit work and everything he enjoyed, just to sleep all day long.But he find to find ways of making it better but nothing in the end he found that sleeping too much wasnt helping at all it was making him weaker. He got a program of daily tasks to do during the day pushing through the tierdness as much that was safe at the time. Now he is back at work and seems so normal and alive ive had to watch him so misrable because of it for many yrs but now his fine I m Not saying you have this but i can imagine how you must be feeling at the mo. You should go to see your gp if u still feel the same. Hopefully it will pass and you will be fine in a few days I feel so nackard at times it feels like your going to fall asleep walking down the road!!
Try to keep looking at what works best for you when your feeling weak and run down..:)

luv kimxxx

25-05-06, 14:44
Hi shy

I just looked it up: ME is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, the so-called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. So many conditions have fatigue as a symptom ... it could be something hormonal, I will visit an endocinologist in the beginning of June. But I have a feeling it's all due to nervous exhaustion...

Still ... if anyone knows anything about this, please share your opinion/advice/comment. Thanks

25-05-06, 15:47
lotus you need to buy claire weekes book called self help for your nerves if you have not already got it

it explains your tiredness and why it will not go away

it describes the difference between the tiredness we feel whe n we are phicically working out and mentally shattered

it really is agreat book and i reccomend you read it if you have not already


25-05-06, 16:32
Hi Lotus - my biggest problem now is exhaustion - by evening I am wiped out, lightheaded and dizzy because I'm so tired. I agree with Jackie - get the Claire Weekes book, she explains it brilliantly and also says that exhaustion can be the last and most stubborn symptom to go. It used to scare me too, but I've realised I can still work and I'm not going to collapse.
You could take B vit complex, magnesium and zinc which may help as they all support your nervous system and get depleted when we are anxious. Hope you start feeling brighter soon.
Love Helen

Two heads
25-05-06, 17:22
Gosh you sound just like me hun at the moment!Ive been feeling terrible.Im so tired,i think im going to moan at doc again tomorrow.The minute i get up i feel rubbish and just want to go to sleep all day.I have loads of sleep and i still feel tired!Fed up with it and all ways worry its something more.Im going to get my claire weeks book back off my sis and read it.
So try not to worry hun i expect its the anxiety ONCE AGAIN!XX

25-05-06, 17:27
Me too very tired and exhausted, nervous exhaustion from all the anxiety.
Please don't worry or google symptoms bad move that one! Should carry a health warning lol


'This too will pass'

27-05-06, 23:04
Can I just ask a really quick question?
About this: fatigue being "the last and most stubborn symptom to go"

Does it mean that exhaustion appears at the very end of the whole anxiety problem? Like the last symptom?

That's strange because I think for me exhaustion was the beginning. This is how it all started - sudden nervous fatigue which just happened out of the blue. One day I was fine, the next I felt like crap. Then I got constant anxiety and so on. I think my nervous system was probably exhausted because of the life I was leading at that time, which made it pretty easy for anxiety to settle in my life.

Now that this has happened, I feel like I'm back to square one, which is not a very pleasant idea. But I'm working hard not to let it get to me, trying to think of it as just a blip. I'm taking like 10 different supplements including vitamin Bs, magnesium, calcium, zinc, amino acids aganist mental and physical fatigue, omega 3s, and a couple of herbal supplements. So I'm packed LOL I was just curious about that "last and most stubborn symptom to go" thing. I've been thinking about buying Claire Weekes' books for ages, but I just keep postponing and postponing. But I will, as soon as I get a hold of a credit card! :)

28-05-06, 07:51
Hi Lotus - Fatigue isn't the last symptom to appear, but can be the last one to go. When we are constantly anxious or panicing we are giving our bodies a hammering which leads to exhaustion. The only way we can stop that exhaustion is to stop the anxiety and panic and build up our bodies strength again. Accepting a symptom like palpatations can make them end almost immediately, whereas even if you've accepted your fatigue it still takes time for your body to 'mend' itself - not sure if that makes sense, or is right, but thats how I see things.
My situation sounds very similar to yours - stress build up leading to my problems and insomnia. My anxiety has pretty much gone now, but I am left with the overwhelming exhaustion - I'm just taking things slowly and trying to help my body recover without adding further stress to it.
Love Helen

28-05-06, 11:20
Thanks giddy. That makes perfect sense.

28-05-06, 12:01
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Lotus - Fatigue isn't the last symptom to appear, but can be the last one to go. When we are constantly anxious or panicing we are giving our bodies a hammering which leads to exhaustion. The only way we can stop that exhaustion is to stop the anxiety and panic and build up our bodies strength again. Accepting a symptom like palpatations can make them end almost immediately, whereas even if you've accepted your fatigue it still takes time for your body to 'mend' itself - not sure if that makes sense, or is right, but thats how I see things.
My situation sounds very similar to yours - stress build up leading to my problems and insomnia. My anxiety has pretty much gone now, but I am left with the overwhelming exhaustion - I'm just taking things slowly and trying to help my body recover without adding further stress to it.
Love Helen

<div align="right">Originally posted by giddy - 28 May 2006 : 08:51:18</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Yep, I have this feeling on weekends and after a period of panic and anxiety.
I have it right now.
Its definately a 'Good Sign' but I understand what you mean when you say it feels just dreadful at times.
For whatever reason two things seem to be true for me:
- It actually helps speed up the recovery the more you just relax into this feeling and sort of 'enjoy it' (I know that sounds funny)
- For some strange reason, sleeping more does not seem to work (although catnaps seem ok).
I seem to do just as well, if not, better by basically 'working through' the fatigue.
For example going to the gym and lifting wieghts.
Ive sat at the gym almost falling asleep at the bench press.. barely getting anything done and yet I will feel less lethargy and draining tiredness at the end of the day than if Id just stayed glued to the couch.

I agree that its not necessarily always the last sign or symptom but I do know that its something that happens 'after high anxiety' where you are now basically feeling the 'opposite' body sensations.
Im told that it really is hormonal and its the body countering all the 'up' hormones you get in panic and anxiety with 'down' hormones.

I once went into a nearly 'comatose' like state (not really, just my word) for about two weeks straight.
I could barely walk from kitchen to living room lol.
Its almost like I was drunk at times.
At the end of the two weeks I felt so much better and was refreshed for at least a few more years with higher stress resistance and non-existant depression.

May Day
29-05-06, 17:12
Hi lotus

Anxiety symptoms can come in any order and may appear one day, gone the next, only ot reapper again the following day. Exhastion is a newish symptom to me and i have days when i feel the muscles in my legs just won't work, all i want to do is sit down. I find it best not to give in to it but to go for a short walk. Exercise produces chemicals in the body that promote a sense of wellbeing. The more we use our bodies the stronger they become in time.

Don't search the internet for symptoms or illnesses. As you have all ready found out, fatigue can be a symptom of so many but you may have none of those illnesses.

Take things easy ... and do get the Claire Weekes book because it explains so much and is very easy to read ... you'll soon see for yourself just how your symptoms fit in with what she writes.

take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

30-05-06, 19:23
Hi there...
If - and ONLY if - there is NOT a medical reason for the fatigue (like an ME-type condition of some sort), then I agree with JayK that exercise is, strange to say perhaps, a great way of combating fatigue.
Depending on your state of health and fitness, a brisk walk can be good exercise, or you could start more intense aerobic exercise, like running or swimming (good because it supports your joints). Read up on what might work for you, and remember to take it easy at the start, and gradually work up to a more demanding pace - at your own pace.
Exercise releases hormones and speeds up your metabolism, as well as delivering other health benefits, some of them more obvious.
I wish you lots of luck, and send you my support and warm wishes,

22-04-09, 09:39
I am also suffering with the overwhelming exhaustion however I had it beforehand when goin to gym and it lasted for couple of weeks, I have had i again now for a week and half i think i have run myself down again. after an anxiety disorder give yourself a couple of months to get back to ur perfect self before goin to a gym and doing heavy weights like i did. silly me

22-04-09, 11:49
I am so glad of this thread - i am so exhausted all the time too - also does anyone get pains in joints?

01-05-09, 05:55
I am so glad of this thread - i am so exhausted all the time too - also does anyone get pains in joints?

yep, both and all :( it goes away and comes time and time