View Full Version : Bad Day..

01-11-11, 10:38
I started a new job yesterday and for the whole 4 hours I felt sick and nervous, I kept thinking i was going to have to run out but I didn't. I have another shift today and I've done nothing but worry all morning. I know I'm going to really enjoy this job as well but I feel really sick and on the brink of a panic attack. I know I'm going to go in because I always face up to them but I'm thinking about going to the doctors and trying citalopram...
I have always felt as though I was giving in but I don't think I can cope with them any longer =(
what does everyone else think? Should I try?


01-11-11, 12:33
Well done on your new job! Also, well done for sticking it out. If you need help to get through this then going to the doctors is the best idea. He or she can advise you but citalopram has relatively few side-effects. There is a guide on this site by Psychopoet - I'll try and link it below:


The other thing I was prescribed was propranolol which helps with anxiety.

Have you had any therapy? In the long-run it's probably the most beneficial thing, as medication is usually only a temporary solution.

Hope this is of some help,


03-11-11, 11:40
Hiya Akira, thanks for your reply!
I had counselling for over 6 months and it really did help at the stage, to the point where I felt ready to leave it.
But I am definitely going to get to the doctors and see what will work best for me, I've had enough of fighting them every single day.

Thanks again for your reply,
Gemma xx