View Full Version : Floating stools (sorry, I know it's gross..)

01-11-11, 10:50
Hi all,

On Sunday I had the most awful sickness bug. I started feeling sick around 12pm and by 4.30pm was throwing up almost constantly. I couldn't even keep water down. I also had very loose stools.

Fortunately by Monday I felt much better- still had a sore tummy (probably from being sick so much) but was able to eat and wasn't sick at all.

Today I'm still feeling pretty OK, tired but I haven't been sick. I've just been to the toilet though and had some gas and floating stools (I do have IBS but this is NOT normal for me), which has sent me into a total panic. Could this be because I have had a bug??

Some reassurance would be really helpful, thanks guys.


01-11-11, 11:49
Yes yes and yes. There is a horrible sickness bug that seems to be going round the whole country - two of my friends have had it last week.

It is completely normal to have floating stools after a tummy bug as the flora in your gut is all too pot as the tummy bug virus has overwhelmed your gut flora.

3 yrs ago I had the worst bug I have ever had and I was peeing poo that was bright yellow for two days, not to mention the high temp sickness and feeling faint everytime I stood up or went to the loo. AFter 2 days it turned to yellow floating toothpaste and then by 6 days I was okay. Thankfully my husband started two days before me so I could say did you have this and he would say yes so I knew it was normal with that bug.

Not the most delicate of subjects:blush: but hope telling you this makes your realise that what you have is totally normal . Its great to hear that you are almost feeling back to normal. Ignore the poo in a couple of days you will be your old self again.

01-11-11, 11:54
Awesome! Thank you so much! It's the most awful thing to be writing about, but I read alot of your posts and they always make me feel better, thanks!

01-11-11, 14:13
Thanks Button - nice to know that I am not making people groan on here with posting so much:D its just that having had health anxiety all my life and being "blessed" with quite a few chronic health problems I can usually relate to symptoms.

I just wish I could be as rational with myself as I can be on answering posts:winks: