View Full Version : Boss is getting to me

25-05-06, 13:24
Hi All

Since starting back to work I have struggled tho will many bad days and a few good.

My CBT has started and am going to need time of woek to attend my appointments, I am so upset that my boss is making me use my holidays for these sessions, he is so un-sympathetic and is pushing me to the limit, I cant go back to how I have been and am trying my hardest to stick at it, Do these people not realise what they are doing to us when they push & push,

My holidays are so precious as I work hard have a hectic lifesytle providing for my son and myself and this is going to mean we have a lot less time together in the summer,

I fell ready to walk but need the money and can feel the tension building, am ready to burst into tears!! aaaargh

Wendy x

25-05-06, 13:37

I know how you feel!

I had to take a days holiday and then use the hours from this to attend my CBT sessions as I am out of the office for up to 3 hours at a time. I also have to work through lunchtimes and make up the time after work as well.

I am thinking about talking to the HR department and asking if I should be able to take this time off to attend these appointments and not expected to make it up.

Perhaps you could do the same.


25-05-06, 13:40
Hi Wendy,

Do you work for a large or small company? If you work for a large company check to see if they have an occupational therapist, failing that go and check with your HR department and see if they can help.

I run a company of about 10 people and I'm pretty sure that we have to allow time for people who need to see a medical professional. I'm not sure that would stretch to a day off [regularly that is], but it would certainly apply to time out for a session.

We have staff here that will go to an osteopath etc... during the working day. I'd rather have them feeling better.

Bad managers are an absolute nightmare. They are there to get the best out of you and encourage you, not to batter your confidence. See if you can find someone else to talk to?

Hope this helps.

Stay strong. Your CBT will help you to get through it.


~~~ It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS. ~~~

25-05-06, 14:01
Thanks Nicola, Graham

HR is a googd point Nicola, Sure we are entitled to some time for these sessions

It is a Big Company Graham and sickness is very much frowned upon, wish I had a manger liek yourself, A good manager in my opinion gets a lot more from their people

Thanks for the support both

Wendy x