View Full Version : Went to the doctors....... Don't feel reassured

01-11-11, 11:07
Hi I posted on here about a constant lower pelvic ache that I have had since last Wednesday, I also have lower back ached. This is my only symptoms other then my right boob is tender.

I was awake at 3am this morning worrying so decided to book a doctors appointment.

I had a similar pain in my pelvis in April and had swabs and a pelvic ultrasound all was normal. I also had boob scan which was normal and I was told I have just one very glandular hormone breast.

I am due on the 9th of November, if that helps.

Any way the doctor today pushed on my tummy, and I insisted on having a internal examination. There was some discharge so he took a swab. He said my cervix looked a little red I also bled a bit during the examination :(

So I am even more scared now, he felt no masses and said I looked QUITE normal down there. He said bleeding was normal as the swabs irritate your cervix.

But why did I have discharge? I am scared that I bled. They catergorically said they would not do a smear as it is not due till march and my last one was normal.

I am so worried I have cancer, I was worried enough about the pain but now even more worried about the discharge and bleeding.

The doctor picked up on my anxietys and told me that I need to relax and wait for the swabs he said he would be happy to see me after my results to talk to me about my anxieties.

But I am so scared this ache has been relentless for nearly a week now please help please :(

---------- Post added at 11:07 ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 ----------

I am 25

01-11-11, 11:37
Did ur doc check ur urine to see if u had a water infection?? xx

01-11-11, 11:44
No he didn't. I am just so scared and feel so crap the pain has been constant now for nearly a week no break at all. And now with the bleeding during the examination and I just went tho look and there was like bloody mucas in my knickers tmi sorry.

It's just got to be bad I am so scared

01-11-11, 11:45
It quite normal to bleed after swabs or smears as the cervix is very sensitive - I always bleed after either of above just for a couple of hours.

The Dr will be checking for any infection or fungal infection with the swabs.

If you had a normal ultrasound last time then its extremely unlikely anything has changed.

Forget the bleeding that is competely normal- wait for the swabs to come back and see if you have any of the common infections that are a nuisance but again nothing to fret about and talk to your Dr about your health anxiety.

01-11-11, 11:49
Thankyou I have just booked a private smear test which is being done on Thursday, the results take 5-10 days to come back and I don't want to be like this till then but have just fallen back into that dark hole again and can't climb out of it.

01-11-11, 11:59
I have all these symptons when i have a water infection? I bleed when i have one too and have the back and pelvic pain xx

01-11-11, 12:17
Really but the ache and pain really is constant I really have had no time in the last week without them :( it wouldn't be like that with a infection would it

01-11-11, 12:20
i get severe and constant pain and aches with a water infection, infact with my last one i had the dull back ache for over 2 weeks xx

01-11-11, 12:41
I would love it to be that tho just really convinced myself it's bad the doctor said my uterus is enlarged to which is a sign of cancer

01-11-11, 14:10
NO an enlarged uterus is usually just a sign that you might have a fibroid and also some people uterus is normally bulky. You had a scan not so long ago that would have picked up anything serious with the womb. Also in the week before a period the womb lining increases and can make the womb feel enlarged as well.

01-11-11, 14:21
But why the pain 24/7 nothing relieves it I am so scared, crying and a mess I have a little daughter to look after I don't want to be like this and I don't want to have cancer I am so scared